Sunday 29 June 2008

not-so-secret secret mission

oh yes, i must say

on friday morning, ten of us met at the grandstands at 9+ for some secret mission! hahaha (ok, its not so secret now..)
  1. shuxain
  2. dorville
  3. fang hui
  4. rod
  5. marcus
  6. eugene lim
  7. jethro
  8. kannan
  9. eugene tan
  10. me!
sadly, i didnt bring my camera along. so i couldnt document that part of my day down - sorry rod, adventures must include pictures! i'll bring it tomorrow if we're going for the movie thing :):)

anyway, mr lim appeared with this white van and prashan drove it up the hill backwards with the backdoor still open!!! omg i was so shocked. but everything was alright in the end.

everyone hopped into the stuffy white van and mr lim drove us to this place near school. its his auntie's house! (or something) anyhow, we helped to move some stuff from the 2nd story to the van.

its so nice to sit around on the steps afterwards, just the 10 of us... sharing (expensive) drinks bought from the 7-eleven nearby and talking about totally random things.

after that, we walked back to school (since it was so near), for our prize winner's photo taking thing by the track.

and oh my gosh, our tropies were stolen!!!!! like wth -_-" whoever wanted it, can just ASK us or something, we could have just lent it to you for awhile.. no need to steal it from the office.

but we dont really know the reason for its disappearance. it was in the school's general office after our morning prize presentation, and then from there.... it was gone without a trace.

DUN DUN DUN Duunnnn....

freaky freaky.

dorville gave us a lit lesson on edgar allen poe's works.. we're to do it when school resumes, so this lesson was seriously useful. THANKS ALOT, DORVILLE!!

i dont think i'll ever be as good a senior as dorville is.

(too bad, jones.. haha just kidding)

Only you will know.

When time comes, we all will see,
entranced by each other's gaze
A glow next to the moonlight
relishing in near perfect darkness

Etching a design so beautiful
no one else can see
On smooth porcelaine and inside
lingers, the pain of the process

Only you will know
never giving up too easily
Giving new meaning to love
Everlasting is our fate

Reigning Fear intrudes but ultimate
victory goes to the one above
Its okay, no worries- the
rights are all yours

Giving into destiny
in approval of the smiling moon
never again will i question, as
solid is our affections

the adventures of the bored girl suffering from post-exam stress (parts III, IV & V)

is it a bird?
is it a plane?

oh you know the rest..

its The adventures of the bored girl suffering from post-exam stress!

part III, IV & V

part III

welcome back to the adventures of the bored girl sufering from post-exam stress part III. in this episode, yang updates about the dress making process that has been going on for the past few days

well. little progress. yang's mother has been procrestinating in the dress making process (ok, fine, she's been busy with other things)

so the dramatic tension builds up..

HOW will the dress turn out?

tune in to find out.

Part IV

yesterday, yang met up with 2 of her bestest best friends of the KOF at courts, tampines, to support a friend NIKKO AW (brown dress) in her quest to become..

Miss Singapore Sweetheart 2008!!

(funny name for a pagent title, but its not too bad)

shuwen and huimin had hotdogs from the ikea next door while cheering at high pitched tones in support of nikko in the next leg of the race in the semi-finals.

nathan had done up some cute cheer-cards, each with a letter of nikko's name, while huimin, shu and yang helped to hold. along with nathan's supportive army mates.

in between nikko and the results were angsty SPGs (yang just learnt the meaning of SPG, haha), girls with dress that yang, shu and min fear will slide off, and ok.. some pretty contestants

nikko, in yang's opinion, has a high chance of getting the title :)

Part V

as mentioned in yang's previous blog entry, she felt like going to the beach.
on friday, her wish was granted!
note to yang:
a carls jr meal must be shared.

and so.. the adventures continue...

Thursday 26 June 2008

the adventures of the bored girl suffering from post-exam stress (part II)

Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?

The adventures of the bored girl suffering from post-exam stress!!!
part II

well in today's episode, yang woke up at 1130am. she was suppose to meet daniel at 11.30am for lunch. but NNNOooOOoo she had to wake up late! so her poor boyfriend had to have lunch alone. and she would like him to know that she's very sorry. sorry :(

as she left her last entry on her blog hungry, and so was her house-hopping grandma, she proceeded downstairs purchase some chicken rice for her and zap-chai-beng for herself.

as the time passes slowly, she decided to head on to.. well..
for.. err.. something.

as she timed her schedule perfectly, the bus came immediately and she proceeded to travel toward school, where she met up with daniel, after his chinese paper to go de-stress abit before
his next trial tomorrow afternoon!

the infamous pasar malam!!

such cute bottles. dan and yang loved them. oh and of course the ramly and tutu too.
(lol, tutu too)

and yes.. that sums up the adventures of the bored girl suffering from post-exam stress, in her journey to find back herself and her lost social life.

till the next test and exam...
righteo, i'm suppose to be at tp now having lunch with daniel............................ but i woke up at the time we're suppose to meet. heh. sorry dear.

anyway, today is a brand new day!!

yan's going to taiwan tonight!!

and my mum................. she hasn't started on the dress yet. hmph.

i'm hungry. BRUNCH!

Wednesday 25 June 2008

the adventures of the bored girl suffering from post-exam stress

Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?

its the adventures of the bored girl suffering from post-exam stress!!


one fine day after her mid-year exams, yang decided to go on a little adventure in her little home country named singapore.

after running an errand for her mother, by going to pay her lil sis's course fees at queenstown, yang travels all the way to bugis with no map whatsoever, looking for her destination - arab street- for she hears that cheap cloths abound that treasure-troved street.

getting lost, for she has gone toward the wrong direction after emerging from the tunnel that a long and tiring train ride led her to, she feels.. well.. tired. but thankfully! a bottle of water appeared out of nowhere in her magical black bag.. ohh she was thankful for that.

stumbling around with only traces from past memories of arab street, she finally saw.....

oh the joy! proceeding to arab street..

where it indeed, is filled with cloth shops bartering treasures of rich silk and cotton linen.. however, to her dismay, the high prices that soar sky high!

disappointed, she used her contacting device to consult her mother back home who adviced her to head on to paya lebar, to a place called golden mile complex (she thinks) at joo chait road. there, she said, will i find what i want - cheap and beautiful cloth.

now at this point of yang's journey, you must be wondering what she needs this cloth for. the answer is that its for a dress that her mother wishes to make. or attempt to. hah.

so towards paya lebar she goes, back to the tunnel!

hopping off the train, once again, but at another time and space, the weather was scorching hot! and she was dying from a near heat stroke. the only solution was to find ice cream!

it was then that she realised how amazing soya bean ice cream was.

Mmmmm.. amazing.

anyway, she got her cleap cloth and went home.

the end.


haha i got bored.

anyway i got mistaken for a malay again cause the shop uncle started talking to me in malay. sigh.. its ok.. deep inside i know i'm all chinese..

and i swear i saw ray at holland. he's still as round as ever and his girlfriend doesnt seem too bad. well i suppose everyone's satisfied with their lives now. stacey has johnathan, and she's really happy and all..

and everyone has forgotten about the past.. chaos. i think thats the most important part

oh and i saw richard, chris's older brother with his girlfriend.

oohh lonely me :(

haha. dont get me wrong, i love exploring alone, but sometimes i'd rather not.

and i forgot to post yan's birthday cake pictures! there's no pictures of her here though, cause she doesn't "look glam". hmm ok

too bad, you only get cake!! its delicious, i tell you.. hazelnut flavoured chocolate. its called the chocolate grateu or something from bengawan solo!

now doesn't that make you hungry?

Tuesday 24 June 2008

post-mid yr

now that mid-yrs is over and i have given myself some time for a break, it doesnt feel right at all! ooohhh the great ironies of life.

its like.. i had dinner, washed the dishes and stuff.. then i almost automatically wanted to go to my corner of the house (haha) to study under my crappy table lamp! its become some sort of a habit now.. but i'm actually forcing myself not to study for awhile.

to break the cycle, i went swimming. like i said, exams made me fat.

i want to go to the beach.

maybe i should get some sleep to make up for the lost hours esp in the past week. its really taking a toll on my responses.

chalet june 08

photo from the chalet! thats everyone :)

i tell you. exams made me f-----a-----t.

Monday 23 June 2008

bye bye my beloved ropes

ok. here's the shit.

for lit, nobody will ever know what goes right or wrong, esp the unseen which i totally crapped.

for geog... well...SIGH..

lets just say i can forget about ropes level 3..

Saturday 21 June 2008

wow! its now possible! lol

omg i just had a revelation!

with yan's (amazing) laptop...

i can finally appear online on msn with her online at the same time when we're both at home together!


June babies

haha i'm back using yan's laptop.. its just so convenient cause its just like.. 2m away from my slumber pad. lol. i'm such a lazy ass right now

ok, reminder reminder: sean chua's birthday is on the 30th of june and he doesnt want a chocolate cake.

(that weirdo.. who doesnt like a chocolate cake?)

i tell you.. june is like the peak month for babies to arrive or something cause i know like a whole bunch of people born in this very month! ok lets see...

  1. yan

  2. peng

  3. amanda

  4. lynn kou kou

  5. uncle david
  6. sarah chng
  7. sean chua

like i said, sean, i'm seriously broke.

and SHHHhhh dont tell yan.. but i really want to get her that perfume thing she wanted.. but ive got no cash!! (paid for june xp already.. ) haha, so if you read this yan.. err.. dont expect anything.. but its the thought that counts right? hehe

wow its... 85 bucks.. O_O sorry yan, no chance now

but what a pretty bottle.........


Friday 20 June 2008

Yan's brand new laptop

wow.. this laptop is seriously damn cool.. its a sony vaio and its in my favourite colour-RED!

hahaha.. she's at camp now, and this laptop is taking up my usual study spot.

LOL.. and look! there's a camera in this laptop!! sadly i dont think i know how to function it yet so.... i shall not try. plus, something is wrong with the light in my room.. its kinda.. not working

yea the room is in a huge mess.. we're currently trying to shift things around the room.. yan had been getting new stuff and trying to get rid of the old to make way for the new

i'm suppose to get a rug -_-"

you can thank yan for her ideas of a perfect room..

i suppose i'd like one like what she is imagining.. a nice place to read my stuff.. condusive for studying, and just a place i'd atually look forward to coming 'home' to... i'm just a little lazy to help you, yan :P haha, but i'll look out for that rug you asked for

damn, this wireless is freaking fast!

maybe daddy will get me a laptop when i get into uni...... *hint hint*? haha its not like you remember we ever existed anyway. effectively its been more than 2 years already.. ANYWAY, moving on..

lit paper was today!! OMG you dont know what TRAUMA i went through last night because.... DUM DUM DUM Duuuummmmm... i dont have an exam copy of great ex!! AHhh!! so i was online last night at about 1.30am hoping that roderrick is online or something so i can like.. ask if i could borrow it.. but no! he's not online! (which i found out he was 'appearing offline' -__-"")

ok, thats exaggerating it.. oddly, i wasnt worried at all.. and when i dont feel worried, it naturally means that everything would turn out alright (some how.. i dont know, yan would say its the grace of God... maybe...) anyway, i slept well and woke up, went to school and indeed! all was solved within 2min!!

haha, i was with jolene and we met mr glascow on the way to the exam hall and with him is a copy of great ex!!! hahaha.. ALL IS WELL AGAIN!!

and thank goodness (and mr glascow) too! cause i used it to quite a huge extent for my essay

so yes. the exam itself. the handmaid's tale/brave new world section is so totally screwed and i've lost all hope in scoring for that so... i hope the does not mean i'll fail the entire paper- that'll be so depressing.

i just hope that all will be well, and not turn out to be that the subject that i spent the least time on scoring better that the one i've spent eternaty on

this laptop is seriously the ultimate.


the family gathering/birthday bbq in the evening was really heartwarming.. my grandma was so happy, you could really see :) she's getting her bionic legs on the 25th this month.. lol..

and, being the last to arrive, i was expected to finish all the food.. cause you know how it works, those that started out first will be like "save for the last person", and that last person is me!

happy birthday Lynn kou kou, uncle david, peng and yan!! haha :):)

righto..i've got to study for the next 2 exams coming up in like.. well.. after 2 short days!!!

yesterday.. haha, yesterday.. well, how could i resist?

Thursday 19 June 2008


it been 6 months and

you know we're still crazy


Saturday 14 June 2008


i need to get out of this place.
nothing much is being done here..
i will get out tomorrow, drag myself if i have to.
too much is at stake, and wasting time most definitely NOT the way to go.
i just want to get this over and done with
(very very very well, of course)
then we can all go places, like we did 2 decembers ago, and take random pictures of us and of life as it is around us.
wouldn't that be perfect?