Saturday 21 June 2008

June babies

haha i'm back using yan's laptop.. its just so convenient cause its just like.. 2m away from my slumber pad. lol. i'm such a lazy ass right now

ok, reminder reminder: sean chua's birthday is on the 30th of june and he doesnt want a chocolate cake.

(that weirdo.. who doesnt like a chocolate cake?)

i tell you.. june is like the peak month for babies to arrive or something cause i know like a whole bunch of people born in this very month! ok lets see...

  1. yan

  2. peng

  3. amanda

  4. lynn kou kou

  5. uncle david
  6. sarah chng
  7. sean chua

like i said, sean, i'm seriously broke.

and SHHHhhh dont tell yan.. but i really want to get her that perfume thing she wanted.. but ive got no cash!! (paid for june xp already.. ) haha, so if you read this yan.. err.. dont expect anything.. but its the thought that counts right? hehe

wow its... 85 bucks.. O_O sorry yan, no chance now

but what a pretty bottle.........


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