Friday 20 June 2008

Yan's brand new laptop

wow.. this laptop is seriously damn cool.. its a sony vaio and its in my favourite colour-RED!

hahaha.. she's at camp now, and this laptop is taking up my usual study spot.

LOL.. and look! there's a camera in this laptop!! sadly i dont think i know how to function it yet so.... i shall not try. plus, something is wrong with the light in my room.. its kinda.. not working

yea the room is in a huge mess.. we're currently trying to shift things around the room.. yan had been getting new stuff and trying to get rid of the old to make way for the new

i'm suppose to get a rug -_-"

you can thank yan for her ideas of a perfect room..

i suppose i'd like one like what she is imagining.. a nice place to read my stuff.. condusive for studying, and just a place i'd atually look forward to coming 'home' to... i'm just a little lazy to help you, yan :P haha, but i'll look out for that rug you asked for

damn, this wireless is freaking fast!

maybe daddy will get me a laptop when i get into uni...... *hint hint*? haha its not like you remember we ever existed anyway. effectively its been more than 2 years already.. ANYWAY, moving on..

lit paper was today!! OMG you dont know what TRAUMA i went through last night because.... DUM DUM DUM Duuuummmmm... i dont have an exam copy of great ex!! AHhh!! so i was online last night at about 1.30am hoping that roderrick is online or something so i can like.. ask if i could borrow it.. but no! he's not online! (which i found out he was 'appearing offline' -__-"")

ok, thats exaggerating it.. oddly, i wasnt worried at all.. and when i dont feel worried, it naturally means that everything would turn out alright (some how.. i dont know, yan would say its the grace of God... maybe...) anyway, i slept well and woke up, went to school and indeed! all was solved within 2min!!

haha, i was with jolene and we met mr glascow on the way to the exam hall and with him is a copy of great ex!!! hahaha.. ALL IS WELL AGAIN!!

and thank goodness (and mr glascow) too! cause i used it to quite a huge extent for my essay

so yes. the exam itself. the handmaid's tale/brave new world section is so totally screwed and i've lost all hope in scoring for that so... i hope the does not mean i'll fail the entire paper- that'll be so depressing.

i just hope that all will be well, and not turn out to be that the subject that i spent the least time on scoring better that the one i've spent eternaty on

this laptop is seriously the ultimate.


the family gathering/birthday bbq in the evening was really heartwarming.. my grandma was so happy, you could really see :) she's getting her bionic legs on the 25th this month.. lol..

and, being the last to arrive, i was expected to finish all the food.. cause you know how it works, those that started out first will be like "save for the last person", and that last person is me!

happy birthday Lynn kou kou, uncle david, peng and yan!! haha :):)

righto..i've got to study for the next 2 exams coming up in like.. well.. after 2 short days!!!

yesterday.. haha, yesterday.. well, how could i resist?

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