Wednesday 25 June 2008

the adventures of the bored girl suffering from post-exam stress

Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?

its the adventures of the bored girl suffering from post-exam stress!!


one fine day after her mid-year exams, yang decided to go on a little adventure in her little home country named singapore.

after running an errand for her mother, by going to pay her lil sis's course fees at queenstown, yang travels all the way to bugis with no map whatsoever, looking for her destination - arab street- for she hears that cheap cloths abound that treasure-troved street.

getting lost, for she has gone toward the wrong direction after emerging from the tunnel that a long and tiring train ride led her to, she feels.. well.. tired. but thankfully! a bottle of water appeared out of nowhere in her magical black bag.. ohh she was thankful for that.

stumbling around with only traces from past memories of arab street, she finally saw.....

oh the joy! proceeding to arab street..

where it indeed, is filled with cloth shops bartering treasures of rich silk and cotton linen.. however, to her dismay, the high prices that soar sky high!

disappointed, she used her contacting device to consult her mother back home who adviced her to head on to paya lebar, to a place called golden mile complex (she thinks) at joo chait road. there, she said, will i find what i want - cheap and beautiful cloth.

now at this point of yang's journey, you must be wondering what she needs this cloth for. the answer is that its for a dress that her mother wishes to make. or attempt to. hah.

so towards paya lebar she goes, back to the tunnel!

hopping off the train, once again, but at another time and space, the weather was scorching hot! and she was dying from a near heat stroke. the only solution was to find ice cream!

it was then that she realised how amazing soya bean ice cream was.

Mmmmm.. amazing.

anyway, she got her cleap cloth and went home.

the end.


haha i got bored.

anyway i got mistaken for a malay again cause the shop uncle started talking to me in malay. sigh.. its ok.. deep inside i know i'm all chinese..

and i swear i saw ray at holland. he's still as round as ever and his girlfriend doesnt seem too bad. well i suppose everyone's satisfied with their lives now. stacey has johnathan, and she's really happy and all..

and everyone has forgotten about the past.. chaos. i think thats the most important part

oh and i saw richard, chris's older brother with his girlfriend.

oohh lonely me :(

haha. dont get me wrong, i love exploring alone, but sometimes i'd rather not.

and i forgot to post yan's birthday cake pictures! there's no pictures of her here though, cause she doesn't "look glam". hmm ok

too bad, you only get cake!! its delicious, i tell you.. hazelnut flavoured chocolate. its called the chocolate grateu or something from bengawan solo!

now doesn't that make you hungry?

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