Sunday 29 June 2008

not-so-secret secret mission

oh yes, i must say

on friday morning, ten of us met at the grandstands at 9+ for some secret mission! hahaha (ok, its not so secret now..)
  1. shuxain
  2. dorville
  3. fang hui
  4. rod
  5. marcus
  6. eugene lim
  7. jethro
  8. kannan
  9. eugene tan
  10. me!
sadly, i didnt bring my camera along. so i couldnt document that part of my day down - sorry rod, adventures must include pictures! i'll bring it tomorrow if we're going for the movie thing :):)

anyway, mr lim appeared with this white van and prashan drove it up the hill backwards with the backdoor still open!!! omg i was so shocked. but everything was alright in the end.

everyone hopped into the stuffy white van and mr lim drove us to this place near school. its his auntie's house! (or something) anyhow, we helped to move some stuff from the 2nd story to the van.

its so nice to sit around on the steps afterwards, just the 10 of us... sharing (expensive) drinks bought from the 7-eleven nearby and talking about totally random things.

after that, we walked back to school (since it was so near), for our prize winner's photo taking thing by the track.

and oh my gosh, our tropies were stolen!!!!! like wth -_-" whoever wanted it, can just ASK us or something, we could have just lent it to you for awhile.. no need to steal it from the office.

but we dont really know the reason for its disappearance. it was in the school's general office after our morning prize presentation, and then from there.... it was gone without a trace.

DUN DUN DUN Duunnnn....

freaky freaky.

dorville gave us a lit lesson on edgar allen poe's works.. we're to do it when school resumes, so this lesson was seriously useful. THANKS ALOT, DORVILLE!!

i dont think i'll ever be as good a senior as dorville is.

(too bad, jones.. haha just kidding)

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