Saturday 31 May 2008

jordan whitehouse, you're a jerk.

for hurting our huimin, you shall pay dearly.

Thursday 29 May 2008


some pics from training yesterday and the ropes test from today.. rod said my resolution or something of my cam was really low.. no wonder its been taking such horrid pictures! haha, anyway, its turned to the highest now, so yay!

cause a picture speaks a thousand words.....this entry much be worth alot then! lol :P

emo alston

oh just look at our legs.. before they get bitten by sandflies at XP!!


he's really just stretching.

the following is karjun's ropes story for today

his attempt at level 1!

getting ready..



a grand total of 4min 41sec.

well done, you!

oh.. and i thought you should see what the food dept has gotten.. so far.. "going to buy more"
you guys better!!! cause thats freaking LITTLE!!
nice apollo though :)

but its not enough~!!!!!

(hides in a corner and rocks back & forth)

i'm going to starve for june.. i'm going to starve for june..

Sunday 25 May 2008


take a plane southwards to where the sun don't shine
pull the pink gates open,
wander around till you find treasure
will you give it to me?

unexpected, mysterious understanding wrapped in red
doubled, waiting for the impending entrance
up above the shelf, my hand explored
reveal it when time comes

master, maiden, m-m-madness
who would've thought or imagined?
we mastered the art of escaping when
caught in the avalanche

pillow-talk as best friends would
will you wait like a lover should?

Wednesday 21 May 2008

mid yrs!!

math mid years tomorrow.

i'm SO not prepared.

its like i know, but i dont at the same time! waaahh.. shit i think i havent done enough, when i look at a question, probability, for example, i wouldn't have linked it to BINOMIAL of all methods and steps to take!!! waaaaaaahhhh i wish there was some way i can just BURN all the math stuff in the world and drink the dissolved ashes down or something.

die, mathematicians, DIE.

oh wait. you guys are already dead.


i hope what i've absorbed will pull me through this mid-yrs and PEOPLE, i'm going to make a deal with myself to do maths more consistantly on my own.


the agony i put myself through by believing i dont need anyone's help sometimes.

slap yourself out of it!!

ok..ok.. chill yang, chill. its not the end.

hey huimin! if you're reading this from NY or boston or something, WE'RE GOING TO MISS YOU, GIRL!! raarr i'm so happy for you..

mr whitehouse, eh eh? haha..

oh yes, congrads to your bro! :)

you have no idea how glad i am to have you in my life.
thank you for respecting me and my decisions.
:):) i'm happy that you think this way

yea nobody said it'll be easy, we'll have to work at it to make it happen

i'm willing to.

Monday 19 May 2008

Pre-historic Monstor Syndrome.


Pre-historic Monstor Syndrome.

Nah.. it wasn't too bad this time

but the part involved during........ isn't so cool.

its times like this that reminds me how unfair it is to be a girl.

(yea, thanks alot dad)

which reminds me of the extremely uninformed traditional accusation of women who cant produce male heirs for her husband's family line crap (leading to acts of severe traumatisation, eg in Pakistani province of Punjab, it would mean humiliation, contempt, abuse and abandonment). who would have guessed that its the guy's fault all these while eh?

ok i may be a tad feminist sometimes, but its all facts, no?

regardless, i'm thankful that i have you

SPY in the neighbourhood

i forgot to mention. on saturday, on the way home, i had to pop by the market are to grab some grub, and guess who i bumped into?!

jackie! aka spy.

haha(ok, spy is an inside thing) ANYWAYS. what a coincedence! at 9pm, jackie, in my neighbourhood.... what is going on?

apparently he rented a place near by with a couple of chinese peeps until he's able to move into a hostel in the uni! we got waffles (the next one is on me) and walked and talked.

i tell you, this kid is damn smart (scholar's programme in nus? please accept it, jackie, people will kill for your place), he is witty AND he's like one of the fastest runners of his year in cj.

some people have it all.

if you chance upon this, jackie, welcome to my cosy neighbourhood, and if you're not the lazy-weekend kind, we can meet for breakfast! now how does that sound?

Saturday 17 May 2008

lit evening

Literary Evening

The Art's House at Old Parliament.


it was simply amazing, really. the people performing were there since about 3, perhaps? and we had 2 rehearsals before the real thing in the evening with everyone as audience!

so backstage.. it was real fun with the peeps of 2T01.. we got ready together.. fooled around..helped each other with hair and make-up and just enjoyed the whole atmosphere :) by the way, people, yiting will make a REALLY good make-up artist. no kidding man.. she's really good. haha

cheryl, i'm so glad we agree on that one thing. pretty? NOT!
i can be so bitchy at times. but who cares?

everything went by so fast. took pictures with and of so many people. thanks to my crappy camera, most of them turned out quite blurry :( haha. doesnt matter.. cause cheryl has a really good camera which produced great photographs! hehe (if you're reading this, cheryl, send me the pics please!!)

we were the very last performance (besides wessex theatre), so you can just imagine the ANXIETY that built up along the way.. gosh. so yes. i felt rahter jittery right before our turn came along.

so showtime came

and it went well! haha.. loved it. i didnt forget my lines!! hahaha.. that was what i was worried about most. PHEW. haha.. and everyone in the cast, you guys did great!!!! so proud of jamie, especially, for giving her best 'angry aunt lydia', very well done girl! thank you guys for giving it your all, and thank you matt for your amazing script and being a really good director! very encouraging and understanding. i think you'll make a good director or something of the same sort. drama teacher, maybe? haha

the line of the evening:
"Practice what you preach. Bitch."
thanks, matt, for giving me that line! LOL)

the night ended pretty well, we got 2nd place! and we're fine with it cause we lost to a better play. haha.. if we lost to a video, i tell you.. i'd be really pissed. lol. Bro paul complimented us on our performance and the singing. we could be in choir!! (amadea and jamie are already) lol

so we took more pictures and T1 and T2 ended up going for supper together! we had subway at marina square, and the manager was nice enough to open the outlet a little while longer to accomodate us.. thats what i call customer service :) haha

darling, when you're down, i feel it too.


i swear i didnt hear my alarm ring.. woke up too late to do anything about it.

hmmm today.. its the 17th.

had yami yogurt with daniel today.
you were so adorable when you were looking at me, to ask me to sit down. damn, i just wanted to hug you..

remember your promise. and the penalty if not :P

but i know you'll do well
if you wanted to.

lit evening

Offred and Ofglen.

back from lit evening,

i'll tell you more tomorrow..

not feeling the best right now. haha no, i'm not angry

(though rather hungry..)

just a little.. Let down, maybe. Disappointed, perhaps. haha i dont really know actually.

(and i'm not talking about lit evening at all.. congrads to 2To1 and 2To2!! so proud of you guys.)

maybe i've got too much HOPE for my own good.

i'm tired.

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Lit evening full-dress at The Art's House!

we missed training today.


because of lit night's full dress rehearsal at the art's house.

its been such an awfully long time since i was last in there.. the last time was when? in sec2? for the art's house's official opening. we helped out the mystery theatre in their mystery theatre tour (its really cool. but i'll explain another time).. then we were given a ticket to this performance, baby want's candy. it was the funniest improf play i ever saw! lol, loved it. lol

anyway, today, overall, the whole thing for our class's performance went quite well :) and i'm happy with it so far. shuxian, amadea, jamie, carmen and matt, well done for today!!! like what matt said, keep it up!! i'm so proud of our class.

"more variation" is the point for improvement.

did i ever mention that our handmaid's costume is just so freaking nice?!! its so.. standardised and NEAT. the cloak has a very pretty bow. matt's mum's friend offered to make it for us, and she did an amazing job. and i like amadea's blue dress! with the scarf, it looks really savvy :):)

(pictures will come soon enough)

well done 2T01!!

darling, dont blame lit night.. we'll find time, always.





Sunday 11 May 2008

Happy Mother's Day 08

Happy Mother's Day, Mummy :)

thats my mummy on the left and her younger sis on the right

i swear she's the strongest lady in the world. all the things she has to put up with thoughout her life, and still she remains so positive about life and so happy. if i were her i would have felt vindictive and made absolutely sure that sorry male asshole's life is a complete misery.

anyway, she's the best. cooking (most of the time, lol), baking (esp her apple pie. one of the best), washing, fixing the damn lights when its a man's job, fixing the pipes when things go wrong.. and she enjoys flower arrangements, though her source of flowers is.. qustionable. hahaha

omg and she's damn funny, did i ever tell you? there's this one time, i was sitting at this very same spot infront of the computer, and she was walking into her room with a banana in hand.. then before she went into her room, she shot me with her banana!! like.. "bang" sort of a fake shooting?? LOL i was left quite lost, but you've got to admit that was pretty funny. hahahaa and.. hahahaha one day, we were just lying on her bed and she was bitching about my grandma and how funny she is, now that she's old.. lol, i forgot what she said but it was freaking funny we laughed till we practically cried. HAI, wait till one day i talk about you like that, mummy!

she's got so much trust in us. who's mother allows her children as much freedom as she does? for example, my trekking trips and all. all she needs to know is aga aga where, when you're going and when you'll be back. and sometimes the cost. thats it! and she believes that if you want to learn something new, go sign up for it. money is not an issue. how amazing is that? most of the time i would feel bad and save up to pay for myself, but the point is that she's so amazing.

aaannnddd.... she doesnt mind us being together haha. in fact she was laughing to herself, probably due to the novelty of young love. she asked a few questions when she found out and all she said to me was to 'take care of myself' :):)

doesnt she make you wonder what father's day is for? hah.

Saturday 10 May 2008

where's my freaking store key?


lol.. shuxian got it for us :):) damn cute right? nicole has the eeore one. our reason for using this is so that we dont have to keep wasting those disposable plastic straws in the canteen. but then again... i dont use straws when i'm drinking ribena etc... haha. only ice-blended.. i wonder if this straw is big enough...........

anyway, i've got something i'd like to voice out. i did it yesterday right before training ended and i want to put it right here right now.

i'm damn pissed with the jones. i passed the store key to a certain somebody and instead of taking care of it and guarding it and the store with her life, the key was passed from person to person, and i didnt get the key back until i asked for it la. wth


  1. the HELMET was locked out of the store and left outside
  2. the BIKE was locked out of the store and left outside
  3. my ROPES were in a HUGE mess and they didnt even bother to tie it up properly or even attempt to neaten it up. it was just chucked onto the hooks. there's obviously no freaking respect for my ropes!!
  4. AND what on earth is the extremely long 10mm rope doing out of the out of bounds area of the store?!! a total of 4 ropes were hanging (2 long, 2 normal). i understand one long rope, but why was the other out?
  5. somebody doesnt know how to use the lock. how retarded and paralysed can you get?
  6. I got nada apology. even until now.

i hope the jones would be more responsible and realise just how important things can be, not everything is play. you need to be serious now. GROW UP.

ok, enough of that. if you havent already noticed, the weather had been scorching hot for the past few days, but today... its quite chilly!!! so weird... somebody explain!!

wanted to go swimming later.. but looking at the weather.. i'll have to think twice. haha, you said not to bother anyway, but what if i wanted to?

oh yes, 1T01 got chosen to perform at lit night this friday! haha.. but that means missing our last few trainings and lots of lines to memorise!! :(
(ok, the lines part is whatever)

matt has done a good job and i dont mind trying to do well for him

i'm going to get the cloth later.

praise be.

Tuesday 6 May 2008


today, i believe that guys that are sweet really exist in this world :)

nathaniel, you're damn sweet!!!

math lesson was the last period of the day and this boy sits to my right in this class

so today, he was folding pretty little paper stars for his girlfriend. his aim was to finish 122 by the afternoon today. why? because thats the number of days he and his girlfriend have been together.

(yes, everybody) AWWWWWWW............


for class today, we were suppose to finish 2 of those 10mark exam questions. nat finished both quickly (and he got perfect score for them.. at least i know thats the case for the 1st question), so that he could continue on folding. the thing was...

mr lee confiscated the bunch!!!



i actually felt like standing up for him. haha. he kept asking for them back like "come on la sir, i got full 10 marks, can i have my stars back? please la sir". lol. and after class, after i've gone back to pack my stuff etc, and was on my way to the mph, he was still in class asking for it!! persistant. not bad, nat.

i hope it turned out well :)

gentlemen, you can do it too.

but be original please, dont copy and paste. at least not immediately or directly. the thought and effort counts a whole lot.

unless you've been living under a rock, i think you'd have already realise that girls can't resist these sort of sweet little gestures. honestly, i'm not the typical girl that absolutely loves to shop (haha) and do all the girly stuff, but i'm no different when it comes to guys that are so sweet.

haha, though for now, i'm already very happy

but there's always room for improvements, yes? ^_^


p.s. i dont think i can stop my bad habit! :( haha
p.s.s it doesnt matter how your hair looks. i like it anyway.

Sunday 4 May 2008


i like bread and butter.

k thats random.

sarah!! haha.. i'll.... reply your email soon. but the risks i'm talking about? i suppose thats up to the individual.. like.. the risks for me will be different from the risks for you. It might be the things that you give up for this person. haha rah, its really varies..

come back this dec k? i'll treat you to prata and dinosaur :)

hmmm risks


there are extends to which i will go to. and i know thats clear.

the bread has to be toasted, and the butter has to be snow.

sneaky sneaky

she sees you. crawling on the floor.
we enter in through the side door.

the rest is ❤

renewal is up to chance and you.

Saturday 3 May 2008

V for vendetta

on mayday, thats 1st may, we had a sleepover! haha

just shuxian, nicole and i at nicole's place, cause bernie couldnt make it

get well soon dear, and i hope to see you soon!! this wednesday yes?

we rented dvds for the night

and hahahaha, nicoles parents are so cute!! hahaha and extremely funny. nicole wedge. over dinner which was very nice, i really liked the salmon (say sah-mon.. not sal-mon :P)

the family stone, sense and sensibility, bring it on till 3

and nicole's dad drove us to CCAB in that savvy black convertable. so cool.

back by the track after a year, and i cant forget how he purposely stood across the track, right infront of me. ohh the torture. but thats all over now

frisbee! haha, seriously i told you i cant play for nuts. so after our 2 games, we were free to walk around. but sadly, shuxian and sean, hai.. they didnt want to walk with me :( in the end though, i went to the handball court and found seren, we walked around, picked up rebecca (from GP class), then picked up the 'pretty girl' debra, then blah blah blah well in the end i got to walk ^_^

we cant stand sitting around doing nothing

sorry i got pissed. i'm asking for too much from you and you just arent capable of giving me what i want, but thats ok.

I got this email from benji.

my comments would be like that (me: hello).. haha


"Guy's point of view

This is very cute! And even written by a guy! You might agree with it, but when it actually happens 99% of girls don't realize it 'til it is too late and that guy who did it is so frustrated that he has moved on to someone who will take notice

From a guys point of view:

We don't care if you talk to other guys.
We don't care if you're friends with other guys.
But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room
and you jump up and tackle him without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off
It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there. (me: shit. sorry)

We don't care if a guy calls you, but at 2 in the morning we do get a little concerned.
Nothing is that important at 2 a.m. that it can't wait till he morning.
Also, when we tell you you're pretty/beautiful/gorgeous/cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it.
Don't tell us we're wrong.We'll stop trying to convince you.
The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence.

Yeah, you can quote me.
Don't be mad when we hold the door open.
Take Advantage of the mood im in.
We enjoy doing it.
It's expected.
Smile and say 'thank you.' (me: really? never had the chance to exercise this)

Kiss us when no one's watching.
If you kiss us when you know somebody's looking, we'll be more impressed.
You don't have to get dressed up for us. (me: i dress up for myself. most of the time)
If we're going out with you in the first place, you don't have to feel the
need to wear the shortest skirt you have or put on every kind of makeup you own.
We like you for WHO you are and not WHAT you are.
Honestly, i think a girl looks more beautiful when she's just in her pj's.
Or my t-shirt and boxers, not all dolled up. (me: aww so sweet)

Don't take everything we say seriously.
Sarcasm is a beautiful thing.
See the beauty in it.
Don't get angry easily. (me: thats a little difficult when guys are assholes who deserve to be stabbed)

Stop using magazines/media as your bible.
Don't talk about how hott Morris Chesnutt, Brad Pitt, or Jesse McCartney is in front of us. (me: omg sean farris!!! haha, ok sorry, i just had to add that :P)
It's boring, and we don't care.
You have girlfriends for that.

Whatever happened to the word 'handsome'/'beautiful'.
I'd be utterly stunned by a girl who greeted me with 'Hey handsome!' instead of 'Hey baby/ stud/ cutie/ sexy' or whatever else you can think of.
On the other hand im not sayin i wouldn't like it either.

Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest.
Someone who will care for you even when you make mistakes.
Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel.
Someone who will stop what theyre doing just to look you in the eyes....and say 'i love you' ..........AND ACTUALLY MEAN IT! (me: this whole paragraph. TOTALLY agree.)

*****Give the nice guys a chance*****

Holdin Hands
Girls : If you want to hold his hand, gently bump into it a couple of times.
Guys : Grab it if it happens more than once.

Girls : When you want to cuddle with him, tell him you're cold.
Guys : Automatically move closer to her.

Girls : During a movie, if he puts his arm around you, tilt your head on his shoulder
Guys : Lift her chin up and kiss her.

Loving each other
Guys : When she tells you she loves you, look deep into her eyes, give her a peck on the lips, and tell her you love her too... And mean it.

Laying below the stars
Girls : When you're both laying under the stars, put your head on his chest and close your eyes as you listen to his steady heart beat
Guys : Whisper in her ear and link your hands with hers. Now make a wish about something you would like to happen Between you and your crush....

guys: no grabbing!!!

Guys repost this if you agree.
Girls repost this if you think it's cute.
Every Guy who isn't a jerk will agree with this, so we hope that all the
girls that read this will repost this."


if only all these were true.. but sadly to be realistic, guys, in general are bastards that cannot be trusted.

yes, there are some out there that are simply the nicest people on earth (thats you, uncle david), but just saying generally. sorry if i offend anyone, i dont mean to. but then again, what on earth are you doing here reading my crap in the first place?

and this only applies to the starting stages. what about later on in life? abandon your wife and kids, why dont you? leave them to fend for themselves. leave her alone to take care of everything, what ever happened to the things you promised?

bunch of liars.

girls, take care of yourselves. if you dont think its worth it, forget it. dont risk it. the worst part of it all is that YOU are the one thats most disadvantaged. but its untimately up to you.

yea, you have to forgive their... absent-mindedness.. sometimes, cause they're worth the risk and you're worth theirs.

SIGH. are you worth the risk?

am i worth the risk?

i think i might turn lesbian.