Tuesday 6 May 2008


today, i believe that guys that are sweet really exist in this world :)

nathaniel, you're damn sweet!!!

math lesson was the last period of the day and this boy sits to my right in this class

so today, he was folding pretty little paper stars for his girlfriend. his aim was to finish 122 by the afternoon today. why? because thats the number of days he and his girlfriend have been together.

(yes, everybody) AWWWWWWW............


for class today, we were suppose to finish 2 of those 10mark exam questions. nat finished both quickly (and he got perfect score for them.. at least i know thats the case for the 1st question), so that he could continue on folding. the thing was...

mr lee confiscated the bunch!!!



i actually felt like standing up for him. haha. he kept asking for them back like "come on la sir, i got full 10 marks, can i have my stars back? please la sir". lol. and after class, after i've gone back to pack my stuff etc, and was on my way to the mph, he was still in class asking for it!! persistant. not bad, nat.

i hope it turned out well :)

gentlemen, you can do it too.

but be original please, dont copy and paste. at least not immediately or directly. the thought and effort counts a whole lot.

unless you've been living under a rock, i think you'd have already realise that girls can't resist these sort of sweet little gestures. honestly, i'm not the typical girl that absolutely loves to shop (haha) and do all the girly stuff, but i'm no different when it comes to guys that are so sweet.

haha, though for now, i'm already very happy

but there's always room for improvements, yes? ^_^


p.s. i dont think i can stop my bad habit! :( haha
p.s.s it doesnt matter how your hair looks. i like it anyway.

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