Sunday 11 May 2008

Happy Mother's Day 08

Happy Mother's Day, Mummy :)

thats my mummy on the left and her younger sis on the right

i swear she's the strongest lady in the world. all the things she has to put up with thoughout her life, and still she remains so positive about life and so happy. if i were her i would have felt vindictive and made absolutely sure that sorry male asshole's life is a complete misery.

anyway, she's the best. cooking (most of the time, lol), baking (esp her apple pie. one of the best), washing, fixing the damn lights when its a man's job, fixing the pipes when things go wrong.. and she enjoys flower arrangements, though her source of flowers is.. qustionable. hahaha

omg and she's damn funny, did i ever tell you? there's this one time, i was sitting at this very same spot infront of the computer, and she was walking into her room with a banana in hand.. then before she went into her room, she shot me with her banana!! like.. "bang" sort of a fake shooting?? LOL i was left quite lost, but you've got to admit that was pretty funny. hahahaa and.. hahahaha one day, we were just lying on her bed and she was bitching about my grandma and how funny she is, now that she's old.. lol, i forgot what she said but it was freaking funny we laughed till we practically cried. HAI, wait till one day i talk about you like that, mummy!

she's got so much trust in us. who's mother allows her children as much freedom as she does? for example, my trekking trips and all. all she needs to know is aga aga where, when you're going and when you'll be back. and sometimes the cost. thats it! and she believes that if you want to learn something new, go sign up for it. money is not an issue. how amazing is that? most of the time i would feel bad and save up to pay for myself, but the point is that she's so amazing.

aaannnddd.... she doesnt mind us being together haha. in fact she was laughing to herself, probably due to the novelty of young love. she asked a few questions when she found out and all she said to me was to 'take care of myself' :):)

doesnt she make you wonder what father's day is for? hah.

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