Saturday 17 May 2008

lit evening

Literary Evening

The Art's House at Old Parliament.


it was simply amazing, really. the people performing were there since about 3, perhaps? and we had 2 rehearsals before the real thing in the evening with everyone as audience!

so backstage.. it was real fun with the peeps of 2T01.. we got ready together.. fooled around..helped each other with hair and make-up and just enjoyed the whole atmosphere :) by the way, people, yiting will make a REALLY good make-up artist. no kidding man.. she's really good. haha

cheryl, i'm so glad we agree on that one thing. pretty? NOT!
i can be so bitchy at times. but who cares?

everything went by so fast. took pictures with and of so many people. thanks to my crappy camera, most of them turned out quite blurry :( haha. doesnt matter.. cause cheryl has a really good camera which produced great photographs! hehe (if you're reading this, cheryl, send me the pics please!!)

we were the very last performance (besides wessex theatre), so you can just imagine the ANXIETY that built up along the way.. gosh. so yes. i felt rahter jittery right before our turn came along.

so showtime came

and it went well! haha.. loved it. i didnt forget my lines!! hahaha.. that was what i was worried about most. PHEW. haha.. and everyone in the cast, you guys did great!!!! so proud of jamie, especially, for giving her best 'angry aunt lydia', very well done girl! thank you guys for giving it your all, and thank you matt for your amazing script and being a really good director! very encouraging and understanding. i think you'll make a good director or something of the same sort. drama teacher, maybe? haha

the line of the evening:
"Practice what you preach. Bitch."
thanks, matt, for giving me that line! LOL)

the night ended pretty well, we got 2nd place! and we're fine with it cause we lost to a better play. haha.. if we lost to a video, i tell you.. i'd be really pissed. lol. Bro paul complimented us on our performance and the singing. we could be in choir!! (amadea and jamie are already) lol

so we took more pictures and T1 and T2 ended up going for supper together! we had subway at marina square, and the manager was nice enough to open the outlet a little while longer to accomodate us.. thats what i call customer service :) haha

darling, when you're down, i feel it too.


i swear i didnt hear my alarm ring.. woke up too late to do anything about it.

hmmm today.. its the 17th.

had yami yogurt with daniel today.
you were so adorable when you were looking at me, to ask me to sit down. damn, i just wanted to hug you..

remember your promise. and the penalty if not :P

but i know you'll do well
if you wanted to.

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