Thursday 31 July 2008

happy meal

yet again i'm here online when i shouldnt be.

i've yet to study for econs test tomorrow and i haven't started my geog essay which is due tomorrow.

i like my macs happy meal.

'free' mass-produced toys are so fun.

i love math, econs and especially geog.

T01 rocks.

share a plate of cut fruits.

soup refills.


get serious

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Go away, you freaky stalker.

Saturday 26 July 2008

dear my blog,

hello my blog. did you miss me?

i've been busy lately.. with geog and math and school..

ok fine, i've been pretending to do work. haha. you know i'm easily distracted.

i'm sorry for neglecting you for so long, you must have felt quite empty.

well not much has changed significantly.. just that peiyi's jospeh is quite new i suppose, and i met him on racial harmony day! lol on that day, shuxian, nicole, sam, victoria and i wore sarees! aggie and char wore jap and chang yong was in chinese. and the guys were so cute in their sarong and singlets.. playing frisbee in the morning. you would have laughed if you saw it! haha

yesterday, KOF met up, and it was so..... hmm.. words will just undermine it.

frisbee this afternoon was pretty exciting. well done cj :) and the golden shoe boy without socks is mine. raawr.

my eyes are tired now, dear blog.

there are things that i'd like to keep to myself and myself only.. and maybe some other people.. too bad for you, i'm not going to tell you what!

haha, ok.. when i get the racial harmony pictures from victoria, i'll post it up here!

talking about pictures..... my camera is spoilt.

yes, blog, weep. for the source of your colour is gone!



love, yang.

Thursday 17 July 2008

- blah

its 4min to 10pm.

these are the things i've yet to do
  1. geog tutorial questions on litho for tomorrow
  2. 1 full geog essay to be handed in to mr tay BY TOMORROW
  3. study for econs test tomorrow (firms)

thats only the mandatory things for school.

2min more.

somebody shoot me.

Tuesday 15 July 2008


erm. this has nothing to do with this blog, but i felt like changing the blogskin of the older blog to the previous one that it was dressed in before it had the same picture above cause it was so nice and i like it quite alot.

and i just realised that there are only 2 punctuations in the above sentence and its very long.

and so is the one above this.

ok i will stop.

shut up, you are smart.

end of story.

mr lim's bday last friday

yea yea i've been lazy.


i'll blame it on... nah, i wont and can't blame it on anyone anyway

today, the key that i've been holding i returned to odac. (via mr lim cause no matter how many clues i give to the j1s, they dont seem to get that there are THREE KEYS, and not just 2!!)

haha, byebye store.. you were so neat and tidy. now its going to be destroyed in the hands of the jones...

haha, until they prove me wrong this view stays

AND because i'm too lazy, and i'm not entirely technologically retarded, i'll leave it all to a video to tell a portion of the story of last friday:

Mr lim's 39th birthday!

while the video loaded, here's some quiz off rod's bloggie!

and yanny has been watching japanese serial shows on her laptop and laughing randomly to herself and the screen. if you read this yan, you look really weird.

esp when i'm doing an essay on dreamscapes. yeah.


The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.


Wednesday 9 July 2008


ok i lost my chain of thought. wanted to type something here but... OH! haha

lets just say that the gallery is not the best place to sew.

and i think the shirt is SOOOO freaking cute!!!! aaahh

Czarlet is a pretty name. i like it :)

but travis stays. i'll name my girl travis if i have to.. LOL

i'm serious.
hope is revived

welcome back, my beloved ropes.

Monday 7 July 2008

negative thoughts before tomorrow comes

yes, i've been lazy.. to take pictures, that is.

but then again, its not like i'm not lazy in my normal state or to begin with.

so thats all i have to post up. because i'm lazy.

tomorrow or rather, today, is our dooms day. OOOhhh we're getting back our papers, people,

SCARED?? perhaps.

no, not perhaps... ok a little... perhaps.

but fate IS fate yes? once you've given what you can, doesn't matter whether it was your best or not, its done. nothing you can do now, but pray to your invisible God whom you faithfully believe exists will help you somehow, because someone in the course of your life told you so.

but what if God doesn't care? he's got the self-destructing world to think about, he's got to worry about north korea and iran, and he has to grow the grass and make sure the sun still shines. who are you in comparison?

a mere product, a human being, thats been over produced and left idle?


i have no right to say for certain.

am i only saying all these because i know my fate is fixed and there's no way God can help me now? or even if he can, will he abandon me again like he did before?


i dont like perhaps. so i'm taking Control on my own life now, fate is in my hands. and so is yours in your own.

dont be afraid to ask for help. i was too stubbon. but now its different. maybe God will help me now.



"why you so vulgar?"

"you're even more vulgar than me!"

"i speak more vulgarities than you to make you look like an angel."

Saturday 5 July 2008

yan is back from taiwan! / alfresco!

yanny is back from taiwan, and she brought back oodles of goodies!! hahaha.. clothes (which most of them, i dont see myself wearing anytime soon.. taiwan style, you know?).. novelty food.. and a bag i asked for!! haha.. Yaaayyy

(they're really marshmallows)

with greatfriends, its always great!
(and after have no idea)

<-happy utensils!

the once-empty cups of common ice.. just sitting there waiting..
then suddenly, with professional scooper charmaine's amazing abilities..



hahaha.. great friends..

today.. was the first day of maths tuition for me since.. primary school. yea. primary 6, after mr siregar stopped teaching yan and i cause he doesnt do more than pri school math.

he's still teaching peng and lin english even though they're in sec school.

and there's progess in the dress making!! a conclusion today.

she's finished with one and her workmanship is so so so so good!

if only nicer fabric came in the same price.


if we could turn back time,

one week ago.

i dont think i'll change a thing.

Thursday 3 July 2008

some test

haha.. everyone seemed to be koping this off from somebody else. so i thought i'll just give it a chance! haha and somebody enlighten me.. what the heck is ENFP??

You Are An ENFP

The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.

You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority and rules.

Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.

You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're quite the storyteller!

In love, you are quite the charmer. And you are definitely willing to risk your heart.

You often don't follow through with your flirting or professed feelings. And you do break a lot of hearts.

At work, you are driven but not a workaholic. You just always seem to enjoy what you do.

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

How you see yourself: compassionate, unselfish, and understanding

When other people don't get you, they see you as: gushy, emotional, and unfocused

thanks alot, jerome!!!

geog stuff

Tutorial 10, Atmospheric Hazards

1) Explain how El Nino events could result in atmospheric hazards. [6m]
2) With regards to possible natural and human causes of drought, which do you think has a greater influence on the creation of drought in an area? Why?
3) A) Describe the changes shown [3m]
b) Explain the reasons for the changes shown [4m]
c) Explain why the formation and paths of tropical cyclones are limited to sub-tropical regions in the world [5m]

Tutorial 11, Microclimates

1) Compare a typical rural surface with a typical city surface. List 2 ways in which the differences adds to the urban heat island effect.
2) Describe the differences in the various climate elements of the urban area as compared to the rural area. Give reasons for these differences.
3) The UHI is said to create ‘country breeze’. How could this happen?
4) Study Figure 2. Describe and explain the variations in temperature as shown in the figure

Wednesday 2 July 2008

make math your bitch.

sudden realisation.

(ok, not realisation)

more like people told me. again.

well. right now, my new answer is yes. or maybe.

i'm falling sick again. sore throat and my stupid nose can't stop running today, and since i havent been running, i couldnt catch up with it :(

yan is coming back tomorrow! though i dont know what time. i can't find the paper that tells me her flight number etc.

i think i'll just go to the airport and wait awhile.. and i dunno.. study somewhere while i'm at it.. maybe..

thanks alot, dorville, for the lesson on poe today. i think (currently, cause i dont know about the future) poe looks quite interesting... cool!

gaarr i dont know what else to say. the anticipation of the papers is killing me.

oh, shuwen dear: ROCKET FUEL!!!

we can do this man..

make math your bitch.

Tuesday 1 July 2008

happy birthday sean! peeps of the past.

happy birthday sean!!
no car, no talk eh?
haha, hope you like it :)

righty. people, i failed math.
whoo hoo..
but fret not, there is still hope. some of you would have known that i've taken a step to help change my current fate. shall not brood on it too long cause things WILL change!
liu wenqiang, you're a smarty pants
"EVERYONE doesnt take H1"
thats cause you're in freaking hwa chong!!!
talked to ray last night. OMG he's 23 already.
its been so freakin long.. i'm just glad that everything is back to how it was.. 4 years ago? haha
yea.. back to spontaneous conversations online,
even though he has to realise i'm no longer that little girl he used to talk to. LOL.
ohh the peeps of the past that are around, how heartwarming :)
i would have posted up the pictures from our movie-dinner outing, but dear daniel did something to them. too bad, people, no pics!
get smart was really funny.
and i dont feel like typing anymore.