Wednesday 2 July 2008

make math your bitch.

sudden realisation.

(ok, not realisation)

more like people told me. again.

well. right now, my new answer is yes. or maybe.

i'm falling sick again. sore throat and my stupid nose can't stop running today, and since i havent been running, i couldnt catch up with it :(

yan is coming back tomorrow! though i dont know what time. i can't find the paper that tells me her flight number etc.

i think i'll just go to the airport and wait awhile.. and i dunno.. study somewhere while i'm at it.. maybe..

thanks alot, dorville, for the lesson on poe today. i think (currently, cause i dont know about the future) poe looks quite interesting... cool!

gaarr i dont know what else to say. the anticipation of the papers is killing me.

oh, shuwen dear: ROCKET FUEL!!!

we can do this man..

make math your bitch.

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