Friday 30 September 2011

I'm going to see the world!!! :))))

hellooo haha :)

guess what?


omg freaking happy!! lol ..i still can't believe it. it hasn't sunken in yet. haha but i will when i start planning my itinerary. and when i finally settle my connecting flight! lol omg... a million thanks to my dear friend, ed. it wouldn't be possible without you. seriously, you're the best!! :):) OMG this is surreal.... in about 2 months time, i'll be off!! wow... just wow...

it'll be a planned, oraganised, reckless time of my life. hahaha i feel free to do what i want. no obligations to anyone.. i don't have to consider somebody else's feelings or be held back by anyone. this is LIFE as i depict it. just me against whatever comes my way! its going to be a great learning journey. time to find myself again :)

today has been simply marvelous!! :D:D seminar today was pretty alright :) and then jolene was around - she just came back from vietnam!! :) she's great to talk to :) lol KOREAN DRAMA!! omg.. lol :) and then lunch with jo, chris, huitze, hazel, eva, ritz and eric.. and jielong and a little bit of terrance. and siyuan and his funny reactions to girly things... omg lol they're so lively. :):) brightens anybody's day easily! i love thursdays... OH! and i met esther and huiyi by chance.. lunch/tea on tuesday! :):)

fantastic.... simply out of this world! i've ran out of words to say awessome.. lol, every other word feels overused. lol

WOW.. lol!!

nicole, shu, min... i'm coming!!!!! :):):)


tomorrow..... haha well..

i'll make up my mind tomorrow. come up with an (non)action plan? lol yeah. lets see how it goes..

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