Sunday 25 April 2010

wow, there's a title thing. lol i forgot! can i not title it? i can't think of anything right now.

hmmm i think the above picture collage needs a revamp! (after exams, of course)

i'm comforted by the fact that nobody comes visit this blog anymore. haha after such a long hiatus, its assumed that i've abandoned it already right? lol so wrong..

exams tomorrow. it started yesterday with lit.. which was not fantastic, but i'm not dead for that particular paper (omg i hope!) and tomorrow is science.. followed by 2 papers in one day on wed. i'm so glad there's a break in between weds and dev psych paper. seriously, i predict i'm gonna feel so saturated by then. i shouldn't go swimming then right? lol.. i'll bloat up more than i am now!!

speaking of which, when exams comes, so does the cravings for random junk food. haha stupid cheetos, 160 calories for every 21 sticks. like major fat intake hello brain!! why are you craving it??
according to health psych, there are a few reasons as to people's food choices.
learning (modeling)

in this case of cheetos and yang's eating habits, it would be attributed to ALL 3 reasons stated in health psych. it was firstly exposed to me by dear daniel, as i havent tried it before. then came modeling after people like daniel to eat junk food. and then came accessibility. because it was sitting rrriiiiggghht next to me, perfectly within reach.

thank you health psych. i love you.

haha omg you totally know when one is having exams. hahahaha the person will try to integrate all sorts of facts tested for exams into every day encounters! case closed.

in the security of knowing that nobody reads this anymore.. i'll say honestly that i've been unsatisfied with many things in my life lately. maybe i've been expecting too much.. but then i'm told not to pull down my expectations to a lower level. but it makes sense right? when something is not up to expectations, and you dont want to loose complete faith in that something/completely remove that something from your life/you dont want to feel sad and UTTERLY DISAPPOINTED ALL THE FREAKING TIME, the only practical thing you can do is to lower your own expectations. Right?


there is no other way.

and of course at the same time, i must learn to be more understanding. yes, i tend to jump to conclusions, but i'm taking the effort not to do so, and to think and let time pass a little before i say anything. but at the end of the day, if you walk into crystal jade expecting the spicy beef noodle to be fantastic, but it falls short of your expectations.. you have 2 options; completely abandon the thought of eating beef noodles there ever again, or lower your expectations and try to enjoy it in a new light.

and no, you can't totally ignore the beef noodle in life and order another dish. it just doesnt work that way.

i get so tired of all these sometimes, and i wish i can stop dreaming about the IDEAL and accept the bleak reality. be happy with what i have. but i can't live like that. if i'm only to choose one particular food to eat for the rest of my life, its got to be the best. the very best. the very very very best.

haha i use to spend so much time blogging in the past. how i miss it. blog, you hear me? i miss you!!

maybe it partially cause people dont listen anymore.

Vladimir: To have lived is not enough for them.
Estragon: They have to talk about it.

how true. what will humans be if we dont express ourselves to people who listen? and sadly yes, not many people do take the effort to listen. they may be responding, hearing, but not listening. and many a time when i speak, its like i'm taking up their time and disturbing them. wasting their time when they could be doing something they really like and enjoy.

no, they dont enjoy listening to you. there are far better things to do.

i'm comforted for the gift of friends whose friendship lasts even though we're so far apart physically. KOF forever. (HYPE can come later lol)

i've got so many things to say and update, but thats about all right now..

this place seriously needs a makeover.....

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