Monday 26 April 2010


i really should be studying right now. science exam is in 5 hours. and i'm totally not prepared. haha i'm gonna s/u it anyway, but i still need to hit a minimum C+ to do so yes? HAI... mmm, i'm gonna s/u it.

i swear i'll start studying it soon. right after this.

i just want to talk to somebody... haha feeling like such a emo kid right now..

when i look at the happy pictures of beautiful couples on facebook, and read about their sharing of how much they're in love on their blogs... how i wish i can start over again and feel that initial rush. its right at the start that guys actually take the effort to do things just to please you and get your attention- cause you're still that new, intriguing, interesting play-thing in their life. they take note of what you say, do cute and creative things like write little notes to you on paper napkins.. yeah... they take time and effort just to make you happy, to show you that they 'love you'.

over time, when the bubbles in the bathtub are gone, your skin gets wrinkly and all you're left is the cold cold water. people get tired. your one-sided relationship drains you out emotionally. now when he gets you, he forgets you, and you start to feel that you're the one thats foolishly giving.

yes, we should all give freely without conditions, but people have limits. and when its not reciprocal, you're left feeling like a street beggar, hoping for morsels of food.

HAI.. whatever yeah? sometimes its good, sometimes its bad.. just my bad luck i guess

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