Thursday 25 September 2008

the library is freaking cold, you know that? Happy birthday, jeri!


i'm in the freaking cold school library right now. keep quiet. taking a short break ok?

just gotta say a happy birthday to jeri, whose actual birthday was yesterday.. sorry i couldnt go for the one yesterday, but party on saturday was beyond amazing and i'm still recovering from that. thanks for the invitation!!

sorry peeps, ive got no pictures.. waiting for jeri to post it up actually.. and i wonder who that camera belonged to.. the one where the group of us girls took a picture on the lucious king sized bed. if that person happens to come by to this blog, please leave a message!!! thanks :)

hmmm i dont think i'll be going for anymore consultations that makes me feel embarrassed and as if i'm just wasting the time of the teacher, even though its important to me that i get all the points needed for the question. maybe another tutor will be more understanding...

OMG i must note it here that yesterday, after i came home, i totally knocked out and i can't remember for nuts what i did!!! ooommgg somebody drugged my plain water or something. I HAVE NO RECOLLECTION!! AT ALL!!!

yea so you can just imagine the state i was in when i woke up.. like "its morning already??". yea, CONFUSED is what i was.

to note down abit about my wild saturday at jeri's party at a PRESIDENTIAL SUITE.. omg, it was very very fancy.. daniel came over cause i had a mini clothes crisis to help me out a bit before we cabbed down to shangrila to the valley wing.. then this guy opened the door for us and we were guided to this private lift lobby.. then tushar appeared from the lift! haha in a really smart suit- white vest (yes i call it a vest) and all. lol, and the lift goes directly to the frontdoor of the suite!

not many people were around yet though techinically we were already late. LOL. anyway the night was amazing, the suite had a freaking gym!! and the bathroom was so exquisite. everyone was there.. crenshaw, tushar, chris, sam yan, yan's friend, nikko, casey.... yea and we made quite a few new peeps like kimberly, grace, jewel (i know right? such a pretty name)

chris and tushar brought over their xboxes with guitar hero and all.. the drum thing was spoilt, so whatever.. for the entire night, some people were just glued to those 2 game consoles, seriously.

after the whole thing, the suite was totally trashed, and like the managers were involved. LOL.

haha that makes me wonder how last night went......

anyway, i decided that i shall not be lazy and joined facebook. i dont think i'll be updating much there so actually its pretty pointless! lol.. but whatever, if you've got facebook add me k??


righto. my fingers a going numb.. back to work

Oooo joy.

Tuesday 23 September 2008

The Man That Can't Be Moved

by The Script

Going back to the corner where I first saw you,
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag not
I'm not gonna move,
Got some words on cardboard got your picture in my hand,
Saying if you see this girl can you tell her where I am,
Some try to hand me money they don't understand,
I'm not... broke I'm just a broken hearted man,
I know it makes no sense, but what else can I do,
How can I move on when I've been in love with you...

Cos if one day you wake up and find that your missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.
So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

Policeman says son you can't sit her,
I said there's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year,
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows,
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go.

Cos if one day you wake up and find that your missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.
So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.
I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

People talk about the guy
Whos waiting on a girl...
There on no hole in his shoes
But a big hole in his world...
Maybe I'll get famous as man who can't be moved,
And maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news,
And you'll come running to the corner...
Cos you'll know it's just for you
I'm the man who can't be moved
I'm the man who can't be moved...

Cos if one day you wake up and find that your missing me,
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be,
Thinking maybe you'd come back here to the place that we'd meet,
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.
[Repeat in backgroung]
So I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.
I'm not moving...
I'm not moving.

Going back to the corner where I first saw you,
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag not I'm not gonna move.

Friday 19 September 2008

both worlds


fantasy, gothic, dystopia, utopia, dreamscape, numinous.........

i really want both worlds.

that seems quite difficult right now.

but whatever it is, i'm so glad to have you agree to come.

i hate to say this, but i love math.

the best thing that happened to me this week is surprisingly math.

math used to bring me much agony, confusion, fustration and fear.

now it seems like the only A i can get in prelims.

this week is not the best of weeks.. i think everyone is feeling the pressure now.

Tuesday 16 September 2008


what a time to update. when i had so much free time at hand, i dont feel like updating, but once the work stuff comes in i feel the need to.

tsk, humans. so CompLex, dont you agree?

i just realised like.. today that its the 16th of september already and tomorrow is the 17th. so fast. doesnt anyone find weird that there's no big news about the 911 event in the 'post 911' years. as in, i didnt even realise that sept 11 just went pass! i suppose its no longer considered 'post 911' anymore.. its sort of become history already. hmmm

or maybe there was some sort of news, just that i didnt read it thats all. haha

for the past month or so, my days are named as"2weeks before prelims" or "9 days before prelims". and now its like "7.5 weeks to A levels"

its like..

A: "eh what day is it today?"
B: "err.. 7.5 weeks before A levels."
B: "math paper 1"

yea.. you catch my drift. thats life for you currently..

the atmosphere today wasnt too good i feel. its a little.. depressing. i dont really like it, but it cant really be helped. any attempt in trying to change these things will just seem pretty superficial and sorta fake and interferring with other people's business. soooo...just....... cheer up peeps. emoing dont do people much good.

i wonder what jeri has planned for her 18th this year... its something to look forward to :)

mummy allows me to go for snow mountain trip!! haha.. YEESSS ok that i'm really glad about. great friends, taiwan in dec, hiking, pitching tents, cooking...... all you need is an amazing bunch of people to make things so freaking interesting. and so far quite alot of us can go!! ^_^

OOMGGG snow mountain...............

i just have to work after that and pay her back.... and earn enough to pay for my bali trip with KOF. haha that one... i havent told her yet. heh heh.

i'm so proud of py and ed!!! they did so well for prelims so far. you guys deserve it. keep up the amazing work!! people, we've only got 2 months left, so this is it!! we can do it! :):):)


step by step.

stop burning bridges you've built.

Wednesday 3 September 2008

printing. teacher's day rantings.

if only i still had small feet...

3min to 2am..

printing printing.. i have a slow printer.

i just had instant noodles. as in, its REALLY instant, no kidding about that. yan bought it from bangkok (before the current turmoil, duh). all you gotta do is to put the noodles and condiments that it comes with into a bowl of sorts, pour hot water, over the bowl, wait 2 min, and then TAH-DAH!! instant noodles!

i wonder how instant noodles can get.. there are these canned soup and noodles vending machines in korea i think. thats the ultimate, if you ask me... for now..

yes, people, PROGRESS. is there an end to it? i don't know.

hello person in the future, reading this, if you have managed to invent a time machine of sorts, come back to the above stated date and say HI to me!! haha but please not so early in the morning, cause i'll be freaked out. really. thanks!!

righty.. printer ran out of paper..

i suppose i should update about the past few days.. there's really nothing much actually...

thursday i watched WALL-E with daniel.. dont ask, daniel wanted to. but it wasnt too bad la, really. walle was quite adorable and funny.. yea, we had a wild time.

then friday was teacher's day.. you know, over the years, the whole getting a gift to appreaciate your teachers thing just wears out of its novelty. not that appreaciating them is not the right thing to do, it is!

but can you imagine? teachers will, year after year, get all sorts of useless crap like bookmarks, cups with 'happy teacher's day printed on them (comes in tens. may be homogeneous in design), flowers, FAKE flowers? (haha), memorabilias, chocolates in tonnes perhaps. haha. it just builds up! and if your teachers have pack-rat syndrome like me, oooohhh my, what a huge problem. at least they can get a sore throat and grow an extra tyre with the chocolates, and real flowers wither.. but think about the space needed to store those cups!!

yea, so if you really love your teachers, dont get them anything. just wish them a happy teacher' day, and if you really mean it, i'm sure it'll be a better gift than helping them mess up their space.

oh, and the performance this year totally sucked. i wasted my entire damn morning for that badly organised crap, the emcees were an accidental (and momentary) hit. And can someone explain to me WHY would anyone offer to perform on stage infront of the entire school when he/she/they are embarrassing with their act? you know why? cause i have no idea.

with the exception of the j2 band and cynthia's group's rip off of okgo's a million ways dance routine, i think the above paragraph applies to everything else. its just my opinion and perhaps just the rest of the entire school, thats all, no offence.

cynthia and friend's version was quite cute. if i'm not wrong, they recieved the loudest applause of all. well done, girl!

and if wasting my entire morning was not enough, they had freaking BALLOONS. and freaking matt kept popping them! grr..

hmmm... must be the late-night-ranting thing working up again.

then sat.. what happened on sat? oh. i did math, had sushi (yum) with daniel and slept

sun? slept

mon? slept (and watched 50firstdates and made pizza with SHARP chedder, which turned out to be quite nauseating cause the crust was all soft and the whole 2 pizzas was too salty. yea)

tuesday? ok yesterday was quite alright. mr glascow had a free slot for us for consultation, organised by jerome :)

tomorrow? haha. i better sleep soon if i want a tomorrow!!

almost done with printing... 2.25am

oh. and my freaking neighbourhood doesnt have a single store that sells italian dressing. i had to walk all the way to holland to get my kick. raawrr.

done! 2.43am... snore...