Thursday 25 September 2008

the library is freaking cold, you know that? Happy birthday, jeri!


i'm in the freaking cold school library right now. keep quiet. taking a short break ok?

just gotta say a happy birthday to jeri, whose actual birthday was yesterday.. sorry i couldnt go for the one yesterday, but party on saturday was beyond amazing and i'm still recovering from that. thanks for the invitation!!

sorry peeps, ive got no pictures.. waiting for jeri to post it up actually.. and i wonder who that camera belonged to.. the one where the group of us girls took a picture on the lucious king sized bed. if that person happens to come by to this blog, please leave a message!!! thanks :)

hmmm i dont think i'll be going for anymore consultations that makes me feel embarrassed and as if i'm just wasting the time of the teacher, even though its important to me that i get all the points needed for the question. maybe another tutor will be more understanding...

OMG i must note it here that yesterday, after i came home, i totally knocked out and i can't remember for nuts what i did!!! ooommgg somebody drugged my plain water or something. I HAVE NO RECOLLECTION!! AT ALL!!!

yea so you can just imagine the state i was in when i woke up.. like "its morning already??". yea, CONFUSED is what i was.

to note down abit about my wild saturday at jeri's party at a PRESIDENTIAL SUITE.. omg, it was very very fancy.. daniel came over cause i had a mini clothes crisis to help me out a bit before we cabbed down to shangrila to the valley wing.. then this guy opened the door for us and we were guided to this private lift lobby.. then tushar appeared from the lift! haha in a really smart suit- white vest (yes i call it a vest) and all. lol, and the lift goes directly to the frontdoor of the suite!

not many people were around yet though techinically we were already late. LOL. anyway the night was amazing, the suite had a freaking gym!! and the bathroom was so exquisite. everyone was there.. crenshaw, tushar, chris, sam yan, yan's friend, nikko, casey.... yea and we made quite a few new peeps like kimberly, grace, jewel (i know right? such a pretty name)

chris and tushar brought over their xboxes with guitar hero and all.. the drum thing was spoilt, so whatever.. for the entire night, some people were just glued to those 2 game consoles, seriously.

after the whole thing, the suite was totally trashed, and like the managers were involved. LOL.

haha that makes me wonder how last night went......

anyway, i decided that i shall not be lazy and joined facebook. i dont think i'll be updating much there so actually its pretty pointless! lol.. but whatever, if you've got facebook add me k??


righto. my fingers a going numb.. back to work

Oooo joy.

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