Wednesday 3 September 2008

printing. teacher's day rantings.

if only i still had small feet...

3min to 2am..

printing printing.. i have a slow printer.

i just had instant noodles. as in, its REALLY instant, no kidding about that. yan bought it from bangkok (before the current turmoil, duh). all you gotta do is to put the noodles and condiments that it comes with into a bowl of sorts, pour hot water, over the bowl, wait 2 min, and then TAH-DAH!! instant noodles!

i wonder how instant noodles can get.. there are these canned soup and noodles vending machines in korea i think. thats the ultimate, if you ask me... for now..

yes, people, PROGRESS. is there an end to it? i don't know.

hello person in the future, reading this, if you have managed to invent a time machine of sorts, come back to the above stated date and say HI to me!! haha but please not so early in the morning, cause i'll be freaked out. really. thanks!!

righty.. printer ran out of paper..

i suppose i should update about the past few days.. there's really nothing much actually...

thursday i watched WALL-E with daniel.. dont ask, daniel wanted to. but it wasnt too bad la, really. walle was quite adorable and funny.. yea, we had a wild time.

then friday was teacher's day.. you know, over the years, the whole getting a gift to appreaciate your teachers thing just wears out of its novelty. not that appreaciating them is not the right thing to do, it is!

but can you imagine? teachers will, year after year, get all sorts of useless crap like bookmarks, cups with 'happy teacher's day printed on them (comes in tens. may be homogeneous in design), flowers, FAKE flowers? (haha), memorabilias, chocolates in tonnes perhaps. haha. it just builds up! and if your teachers have pack-rat syndrome like me, oooohhh my, what a huge problem. at least they can get a sore throat and grow an extra tyre with the chocolates, and real flowers wither.. but think about the space needed to store those cups!!

yea, so if you really love your teachers, dont get them anything. just wish them a happy teacher' day, and if you really mean it, i'm sure it'll be a better gift than helping them mess up their space.

oh, and the performance this year totally sucked. i wasted my entire damn morning for that badly organised crap, the emcees were an accidental (and momentary) hit. And can someone explain to me WHY would anyone offer to perform on stage infront of the entire school when he/she/they are embarrassing with their act? you know why? cause i have no idea.

with the exception of the j2 band and cynthia's group's rip off of okgo's a million ways dance routine, i think the above paragraph applies to everything else. its just my opinion and perhaps just the rest of the entire school, thats all, no offence.

cynthia and friend's version was quite cute. if i'm not wrong, they recieved the loudest applause of all. well done, girl!

and if wasting my entire morning was not enough, they had freaking BALLOONS. and freaking matt kept popping them! grr..

hmmm... must be the late-night-ranting thing working up again.

then sat.. what happened on sat? oh. i did math, had sushi (yum) with daniel and slept

sun? slept

mon? slept (and watched 50firstdates and made pizza with SHARP chedder, which turned out to be quite nauseating cause the crust was all soft and the whole 2 pizzas was too salty. yea)

tuesday? ok yesterday was quite alright. mr glascow had a free slot for us for consultation, organised by jerome :)

tomorrow? haha. i better sleep soon if i want a tomorrow!!

almost done with printing... 2.25am

oh. and my freaking neighbourhood doesnt have a single store that sells italian dressing. i had to walk all the way to holland to get my kick. raawrr.

done! 2.43am... snore...

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