Saturday 8 May 2010

self talk leads to great revelations.

sorry baby, i only run back to you when i'm feeling needy.. lol but i know you wouldn't mind.

if only i was that easy to satisfy.. but if you can have one person, and ONE person ONLY in your whole entire short lifespan..... don't you expect the very best?

yeah but its so unfair to the other person.

haha then again, both sides of the argument seems strong. HUGE debate in my head all the time. its giving me a headache.

at this point of time, i really dunno what to do anymore. i dont want to be a selfish person, but i have my needs as well. and currently, they are not being met.

(its gonna be a ranting page. just whatever comes to mind.)

haha there's too much going on, but nothing at the same time.

i'm gonna swear to myself, not to expect too much from anyone anymore... you'll only get disappointed. haha i'm saying this yet again.... so its not a one-off thing.

yang, you really expect too much of people. you're thinking too highly of people to be capable of delivering.
NO, you're thinking too highly of people to WANT to deliver.

have i ever mentioned that i feel as if i'm giving alot of myself away, and not receiving much back? fuck whoever said that love is meant to be selfless and free.. it doesnt work that way if you're a human being with feelings. if i'm giving myself away bit by bit, and not having that empty space filled or replaced by something... then i'll be like a statue made out of sand, being eaten up by the wind gradually as the days go by, until that fateful day when i will be no more. No way am i going to do that to myself.

my dear friend told me yesterday that she's gonna totally give up of this guy. sure, he totally fits her type.. just that he doesnt pay enough attention to her (not much at all, in my opinion). haha i told her that i'm totally in support of her decision.
if i guy doesnt love you like you love him.... its not balanced. and one day you'll just be left sitting at a corner constantly checking your phone (with no replies) and wondering WHY are you still in this mess? you deserve more, girl! i'm sure there is someone out there who is able to love you more.

haai.. but i'm in a dilemma.

i feel like i've given too much of myself to the wind, and nobody is patching back my lost limbs.. but then i'm too comfortable at where i am that if it wasn't to be, i dunno what i'd do.

i've told you too many secrets. OMG.. and you didnt even KEEP them for me!!! omg.. OOHH my GOD! omg..

SHIT. what the hell am i doing then?? OMGGG i'm such a loser. i just realised.

haha i should have typed all my thoughts out way earlier...... omg shit.

you dont love me enough and you share my secrets with others...omg

what am i to do now.

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