Thursday 25 June 2009

happy 20th b'day yan! ....... cya soon dorville...

yanny just turned 20 yesterday!! 23 june.. yeah.. well, the birthday hype in the family sort of died down after we all passed a certain age. i suppose it gets really boring to celebrate at least 4 times a year... having 4 cakes... you know, especially when our birthdays comes in pairs (yan & peng - june, lin and i - oct/nov)

so yes.. we went out for dinner!! lol.. BUFFET dinner to be exact, at sakura, opposite john little/near cine.. its about 26+ per person? so for the 5 of us, plus GST, it amounted to about $139! lol.. expensive, but its like for an occasion, so i suppose a rare, nice dinner out together is alright once in a while.

to be honest, its not the best buffet i ever had.. not that i've been to alot.. well, the trays go empty often... they look empty most of the time.. like SPARSE.. and the variety is not fantastic, and some times i dont feel like eating whatever is offered. just not extremely appetising.. though i must say, their dory fish is fresh, light and palatable... quite pleasant :) OH! their truffles is REALLY nice.. lin kept going back for more! lol.. and they had quite an interesting range of ice cream : ) with rainbow sprinkles! hahaha..

i suppose i'm more of the dessert person, and i totally approve of their dessert line! they have nyonya kuehs and desserts too! thats pretty nice :) i like..

the people didnt allow photography of the food display there.. and THE ONLY CAMERA WE HAD WAS SCREWING UP *hint hint*, so we only took a few pics..

the buffet line is behind...

peach tea, ice lemon tea, green tea, all the F&N stuff.. you name it!

take 1: i blocked peng's face.

take 2: yan poked her fork with cake in our pic!

well there's no take 3! lol..

yan and mummy

lin's face.

erm yeah.. see what i mean by sparse?

YUMMY!! the truffle was gone before this picture was even taken! lol..

thats us :)

yup! well.. dorville is on the plane now to aussie land.. we sent her off just now. its pretty sad that most of the guys are in army and they couldnt make it to send dorville off :( well.. the pillow with everyone's contribution really looks good!! lol.. i spent the whole day just touching up! haha..

hi dorville, if you read this, have fun over there.. and i know you'll totally enjoy studying now! so much so its not going to be called studying, you're going to pursue your interests!! so lucky.. take care of yourself k? and we'll see you back in feb!!

well its been a month already.. since i last updated. and.. everything is alright :) the kiam chye soup today that mummy made doesnt taste like what i'm used to.. its far from how mama makes it... oh well.......

anyways, i've started blogging again because this can be a means of communication with you and because you asked me to :) but i dont have a camera to take down my life out here to show you dear!! can i borrow your's please? this blog has been gloomy for too long now..... it needs some life back, some colour!

k i need to go offline and get ready for tomorrow... gotta wake up super early to go for my medical checkup!! lol.. meeting jolene at the bus stop so we can go there together, and get it over and done with!

and.. maybe i'll get my PDL next week, or tomorrow! haha, i duno. then i can start cheonging my driving!! if i go by school, i can get a test date earlier.
RAAARRrrrr i miss you dan..

yang owns a salad spinner :D

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