Wednesday 22 April 2009

little pieces make up a whole

whoa... today was.. just lots of little things that make up today.

firstly, i had to deal with quite a bit Q stuff with shu.. brings me much goosebumps. yeah even now..

and that email and thing that made me feel quite uncomfortable.. i just ignored it.

then came the kids that dont seem to care about their lives. they have O levels at the end of this year and they are still behaving like that, its really saddening to see. and i feel as if i dont have the power to change this because i'm only there for such a short period of time. its not enough to make much of a difference see, and i feel abit useless there. i just got a little pissed off to the point i dont care anymore. yes. i dont care anymore.

ok.. haha, the chocolate truffle cake thing was just simply delectable. its a cake version of Royce chocolates, so you can totally imagine how rich and creamy it is. crazy i tell you. if the guy comes this friday again, i'm totally going to find a way to get it for dan!

then came more people that dont care about their lives, so i cant be bothered

followed by the indecision to talk to the kids from council

yeah and i came home and just felt so tired, i slept pass 7

then went for a walk to relax a little, and it was where i had to try to draw a clear line on where this stands.

dan called today!! haaha thats always the highlight of the day :)

well anyway, this sunday is off. i'm a little disappointed, but my priorities are crystal clear. your word over everything :)

thank goodness for this friday with kof :)

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