Tuesday 28 April 2009

friendly people


i just came back from the interview.. they were freak friendly!!!

3 school principals, 1 educational psycologist, 1 scholarship applications guy


i sorta forgot all the questions they asked already. omg..

blank out now!!

shu says friendly=good? AHHHhh i hope so..

Friday 24 April 2009


it was supposed to be another boring day.. and the only part worth looking forward to was the evening...

then so many things happened!! lol

to sum it up: MOE, dan's SMU, innotrek, job offer which i declined, job opportunity with peiyi. bubble tea, spontaneous trip with kof!!

lol. and omg.. 5 more days, people!!!!!! haha i totally cant wait.

i gotta note all of them down man!!

things are looking up!

i simply love hanging out with kof. complete comfort zone man.

i love you guys.. :):):)

Wednesday 22 April 2009

little pieces make up a whole

whoa... today was.. just lots of little things that make up today.

firstly, i had to deal with quite a bit Q stuff with shu.. brings me much goosebumps. yeah even now..

and that email and thing that made me feel quite uncomfortable.. i just ignored it.

then came the kids that dont seem to care about their lives. they have O levels at the end of this year and they are still behaving like that, its really saddening to see. and i feel as if i dont have the power to change this because i'm only there for such a short period of time. its not enough to make much of a difference see, and i feel abit useless there. i just got a little pissed off to the point i dont care anymore. yes. i dont care anymore.

ok.. haha, the chocolate truffle cake thing was just simply delectable. its a cake version of Royce chocolates, so you can totally imagine how rich and creamy it is. crazy i tell you. if the guy comes this friday again, i'm totally going to find a way to get it for dan!

then came more people that dont care about their lives, so i cant be bothered

followed by the indecision to talk to the kids from council

yeah and i came home and just felt so tired, i slept pass 7

then went for a walk to relax a little, and it was where i had to try to draw a clear line on where this stands.

dan called today!! haaha thats always the highlight of the day :)

well anyway, this sunday is off. i'm a little disappointed, but my priorities are crystal clear. your word over everything :)

thank goodness for this friday with kof :)

Sunday 19 April 2009

the old man

its the face that reminds you that time has passed
greying hair that had decreased
in numbers, sunspots and blemishes..
the load he carried upon his back is
showing below his eyes.

his face seemed to have shrunken aback...
leaving his eyes protruding,
a result of seeing too much of the world?

the anticipation to this point was nil,
if not stained with dispising reluctance to go.
but the well-tested bait of
dough was tempting. effective.

fortunate to have a companion, to take
the stress of attention off myself,
the unknown laid before us.

a gorge not visited for 3 years,
has finally presented itself.

tread slowly and be wary, for the risk
of losing the golden goose has a
consequence too high.

with hatred, confusion, unwillingness
and sadly pity..
i faced this stranger i call.......

Saturday 18 April 2009

resuscitating you, blog!

its been a while since words appeared here in longer paragraphs/sentences. lol.. yea i've been either busy or lazy :P

ok.. mostly lazy. and there isn't much that i want to tell the general everyone about anyway.

it'll just bore you to death. seriously. haha.

well i'm doing relief work on monday at stc! nicole will be with me for 2 days.. and we'll be on our own for a day each.

i cant say i'm totally, completely thrilled to be back in stc.. partially cause the stories i've heard about the......state... that its in now. haha. canteen food is one of the main reasons for the missing enthusiasm. and the other? council. but thats a story for another day..

i'm just glad i've got something to keep me busy for awhile. plus, i'll get to see shu for the 3 days there! haha its always a joy to have her around :)

OH on friday aka yesterday, when shu and i were having lunch, i got called for smu interview!! lol they say ive been shortlisted for the business school and there'll be an interview on sat

yeah so its all exciting.. and today was a little nerve wrecking. partially cause i havent written an essay or done a compre in like forever, and partially cause i felt kinda under dressed (hey they said 'smart casual' right?) lol

well we'll get to know if we're the 700 selected out ofthe 1500 some time mid may? i dunno.. its out of my hands now

i miss having camps. haha.. kinda miss the rush of every thing (sometimes how slow things go) and the people i worked with for the past few camps. its all good man.. i only know the next one under azad is next month. can't wait!!

i just dont like taking cold showers at midnight.. thats the only part of the camp i dont agree with!!!! hahaha

can't wait for this friday too... sleepover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha... missing you cute one!

its all down on paper, dont you worry. i wont forget like that :)

countdown: 11days!

Thursday 16 April 2009

an almost mirror image

you know.. i was just missing the boy, and so i looked through some of our pictures and i realised...

i just realised how similar we looked,
especially when we smile...

Sunday 12 April 2009
