Sunday 6 April 2008

x-campus & odac chalet

friday = x campus, ROPES LESSON!!

haha.. its so enjoyable.. the ropes part i mean. the teaching part can get quite stressful. gives me a freaking headache

ok, forget about teaching being a future career! lol

the lesson was relatively good, cause the group was quite small.. a few of them got to try out prusiking and actually enjoyed doing so! yay!

linh and zhi yong learnt, and passed their level 0, AND got to try level 1 ropes in one day. thats an achievement. hope they'll remember to keep practicing what they've learnt to make it permanent

not happy with last year's x-campus, so didnt join this year..

daniel and his class got 3rd placing :D

met eugene lim at pasir ris first.. got mixed nuts and peanuts (-_-", i know) before heading to our odac post xp chalet

its so weird. he sleeps at 9 normally on a school night. ook... its not. but 9 is so freaking early!!! lol

it was a typical chalet.. lots of people.. lots of cancer-causing bbq food.. cam whoring.. talking to Jones.. crazy stuff.. too much food at the end of the night.. you know.. typical..


the cheese and honey toast was different though.. and nuggets.. ive never seen nuggets being bbqed before! maybe its just me.

yea, then i was reminded of the aussie bbq we had at sarah and alex's place 2 years back.. the bbqed meat triggered it off.. haha.. i miss KOF, i miss sydney.

the talk with Jones was enriching for them.. i joined in nearing to the end. rod and us, talked about what to expect for june xp etc etc.. probably alot more being said before i came in

i never later at night till what? 4? haha crazy. people totally got wasted, lol

"want a cookie?"

OOhh the watermelon the next day right before we had to check out.. hhahahaa

daniel cut it with a JACK KNIFE. a small little jack knife. wth!

i'll post the pictures up when i get them from rod. the file is too freaking huge to do a trasfer :P


dinner was late, so i waited

took a slow walk. didnt want orange and pineapple.

i'm changed. unexpectedly, so soon..

if i have to explain-

because it felt right.

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