Monday 28 April 2008


By ACSian theatres.

Aww.. look at Edlyn, how sweet you look dear..
a job well done! haha. everyone really enjoyed the play and
i'm so proud of you Edlyn!!!!

saturday was great.

bought the prusik cords for those who done have them (thats you, J-ones) and some who have lost them (thats you, daniel)

and hahaha, daniel and i were so amused by everything in the shop!! haha. everything was so interesting. and we've got this new catelogue/info booklet thing which is as pack full of info (duh) and beautiful pictures of places people have been to and have climbed.

we met up with min, shu, peiyi and amos (for the first time) for dinner before heading to UE square where we found... NO FLOWERS!! raarr.. sorry ed, thats why you've got chocolates in the end :P haha

peiyi, i'm so glad to see you so happy :)

met tushar and maggie again, along with so many other old theresians.. yunyu, yong ern, DEL!! haha, seriously, it was a blast.

like i've already mentioned, a great play it was. despite the awkward choice of music and dance routines (LOL), edlyn dear, you were amazing!

gosh. KOF finally reunited together again! haha. even though it was just 10 mins and with lots of interruptions. just knowing that we are constantly there for each other any time of the week, is just really touching. AAAHHhhh i want to hug you guys again!!!

I love KOF!!

there's more to be said, but for now. i'm really glad how everything is now with everyone..


back to econs.

and i how stupid i've been to neglect maths all this while! tsk tsk, yang.

Saturday 26 April 2008

I've just seen a face

Across the Universe soundtrack
I've just seen a face

I've just seen a face,
I can't forget the time or place
Where we just metShe's just the girl for me
And I want all the world to see
We've met, mmm-mmm-mmm-m'mmm-mmm

Had it been another day
I might have looked the other way
And I'd have never been aware
But as it is I'll dream of her
Tonight, di-di-di-di'n'di

Falling, yes I am falling,
And she keeps calling
Me back again.I have never known
The like of this, I've been alone
And I have missed things
And kept out of sight
But other girls were never quite
Like this, mmm-mmm-mmm-m'mmm-mmm

Falling, yes I am falling,
And she keeps calling
Me back again
Falling, yes I am falling,
And she keeps calling
Me back again
Falling, yes I am falling,
And she keeps calling
Me back again
Falling, yes he is falling,
And she keeps calling
Me back again

Thursday 24 April 2008

yan, you rock my socks

i popped by yan's blog so see the choice of pictures she's posted (haha, i'm not that bored, i just wanted to see the funfair)

then i read..

" wouldnt have gotten JUST 2 As.."

and all i can think off is

"fuck off dude"

cause you've not been around to notice how fucking hardworking yan is, and how much fucking effort she's put into her As. she's the most vigilant worker i've ever seen. do you know how late she stays up at night to study? and its not at all last min, she started freaking early. yan made sure she know every fucking detail thats needed for every subject, every topic, every sub-topic. she even went to the extent of borrowing notes from people from other schools, stood at the stuffy photocopying shop in school and copied every single fucking page of that oversized notebook because it was THAT good. just go to the library and ask for that geog book that she hogged for the longest time to supliment her (her+ my+ her friend's) notes. and omg! on top of that, she consulted her teachers, attended my extra geog lectures AND she asked for tuition!

and while that all happened,

where the fuck were you?

therefore, you dont deserve to judge her. so, fuck off.

haha. how apt. you're already doing exactly that, no?

Sunday 20 April 2008

Happy 19th Birthday Crenshaw!

Happy 19th Brithday, Crenshaw :)
(alright, its actually on monday, but you understand why..)

we were at en lounge at mohammad sultan road.. its actually called en grill or something now, so yan and i got a little lost last night trying to find the place.. lol

Call me a country bumpkin or whatever, cause i've never seen so much Sake before!!

Nathan, Nikko, Elaina and Jason.

Elaina, Jason, Tushar, Maggie and.. erm, what are you doing, cren?? Lol!

Jennifer, Sarah and Cren

Crenshaw and Jenny

Mmmm baileys..

would you believe me if i told you we were looking for fish in the Singapore river?
Lol, guess not

The Clarke Quay area is really well done.. haha, yan mentioned that the tourism board really did a good job. so true, so true. I dont like being a minor. with strict ID checks, i stand no chance! lol. The jazz lounge that we went to after was quite an experience. i enjoyed that place.
"soak in the atmosphere"

we sat by the river talking the night away about random topics.
And yes. have faith. LOL.

Throughout the entire night, i was wishing that you were right beside me to share the whole experience with me. But i was really glad that with the little messages, it made up a little bit for your physical absence. And you being so concerned is so adorable. Haha, i love you dear..

Thank goodness for Night Ride. Yan, dont you think we're really lucky to have a direct night bus home? we got home at 4am. what a night!

i'm sure i'll regret saying this one day but

when can i start turning 18? Lol..

"Yeah. You can leave your sister there. She's older, not my girlfriend and very much not as attractive as you are so i'm not worried for her. You on the other hand.. Go home."

.... damn you're so cute when you worry....

Saturday 19 April 2008

haha. dont feel like going back to stc for the funfair :P

what a nice morning to stay in eh? lol

thank goodness no promises were made to anyone, if not i would have felt quite bad for not going in the end. lol

ok this is so random, but last night, i dreamt that my glasses broke in half and the glass shattered. yea. i was so freaked out.

i dont feel like typing anymore..

Monday 14 April 2008

The Beatles- Across The Universe

Words are flowing out like
endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy
are drifting through my open mind
Possessing and caressing me

Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world

Images of broken light which
dance before me like a million eyes
That call me on and on across the universe
Thoughts meander like a
restless wind inside a letter box
they tumble blindly as they make their way
across the universe

Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world

Jai guru deva (om)
Jai guru deva (om)
Jai guru deva (om)

Saturday 12 April 2008

chinese garden/sci centre

chinese garden

i'm the 'goat' where the tree is in a tray, come find me

can't believe one group said hi to rod and then just walked pass - hello!? he's a station!! lol

crazy, starving kois in a pond. nicole and i confused them :P fed them with (organic) sunflower seeds

science centre visit and the omni theatre

dinosaurs alive and the mummies.

i CAN do without

Friday 11 April 2008


Goodbye PI.

Goodbye WR.

Goodbye GPP.

Goodbye EoM.

Goodbye I&R.


LOL.. I've waited for this day for so long... and now its finally time to delete ALL the files related to PW, cause there's really no need for them anymore. but before i do.. here's a glimpse of what went on for my OP.. its a video i made for our presentation.. i'm quite happy with it, actually :)

Thank you dawn, jolene and sheryl, my lovely group members, for putting in so much effort into this project work.. the hours on the computer, weekend meetings at the library (it was quite cool), drafts after drafts of WR.. EoM..and whatnots... we made it through with good results and thats all that matters now. thank you for all your cooperation!! we couldnt have done it without anyone of us missing :):):)

after school, i went to the science centre with jie to get the tix for our darling Jones.. the bus ride there (105 from cj's doorstep to jurong east interchange) took forever! but the ride wasnt actually THAT long with jie to talk to.

ooohh the outside of the science centre is really very interesting. its called the kinetic... dunno what la.. haha, i'll check tomorrow or something. heh heh. its going to be so fun. and i love what i have to do and where i have to be. hehe ^_^

over dinner today at fork and spoon, we were all remenissing about the past and the cartoons and disney movies that we used to LOVE and watch.. lol.. damn funny and fun.. i love my childhood

and yes. one day, someday, we shall give rod and daniel a disney lesson.

i mean, how can you freaking not watch MULAN?????

outrage, rod, outrage..

Thursday 10 April 2008

MEsSed uP WoRld

just before i hopped off the bus home today,

the news was just reporting that a truck full of myanma women have all died from suffocation. they were being smuggled into phuket or something in that freezer truck.

which reminded me of today's GP lessons, where we spent it watching this movie road to guantanamo. its seriously thought provoking. its a reenactment of what really happened in afghanistan in 2001 to a group of 4 guys from england. like, shit, all that really happened.

the things people do to each other over retarded reasons. dont tell me they cannot be solved by other means, cause if there's a will, there's a way.

what a MEsSed uP WoRld we live in.

Wednesday 9 April 2008


what is the difference between
"she reminds me of you"
& you two look alike?
no, i'm not floating.
tell me i'm not.
Sigh. If only you could read my mind...

Monday 7 April 2008

chalet pictures!

rightyo! got the pictures from rod! haha.. here's a little glimpse of what went on for our chalet!

erm.. bananas? they made it before i came, so i've got no idea.. no wonder daniel asked me to get bananas.... makes sense now.. lol

Ahhh yes.. the notorious dippy shit.. brings back lots of memories, eh? thanks, sam..

algae and the jones bbq-ing

Daniel doing his thang

OOOOoooohhhhh.....? LOL

Lol.. thats the watermelon! daniel cut it open with a puny jack knife that belonged to dorville

erm.. hello, dorville?

i'll like.. post up some more pics when i've got the time and when i get some more from jie.. apparently the msn file sharing thing doesnt work out for us :( what a pity..

anyways, today was pretty alright i suppose..


LOL, for geog! we went to the LT for tutorials since no one is using it anyway.. the silence in there can be rather deafening.. yea. and haha, the ethusiasm that some of us had today.. amazing, i tell you. haha. never seen before in my life!

oh. and for PE..

3 cm (sb jump) more to a NAPFA GOLD.

*stabs self*


daniel had his army check up thing today, and it sounds quite interesting and rather funny.. lol.. hmm, why does he have to go for it so early? i hope he's not going to book in earlier or something like that..

but what difference would it make right? going in early means coming out early, yes? lol

the ideas that matt has come up with for lit evening looks good! haha, i'm looking forward to see what we can come up with eventually together. its going to be an interesting night, most definitely :)

found solace in the library once again. i love having the table all to myself. and the best thing is that i dont need to share it, cause there's lots of space to go around! lol.. and there i was, happy that logic is flowing before..


the librarian switched off the lights to indicate that we've got to get out.


totally broke my chain of thought!!!!!!!!!


nevermind. a price to pay for using the library.

Sunday 6 April 2008

x-campus & odac chalet

friday = x campus, ROPES LESSON!!

haha.. its so enjoyable.. the ropes part i mean. the teaching part can get quite stressful. gives me a freaking headache

ok, forget about teaching being a future career! lol

the lesson was relatively good, cause the group was quite small.. a few of them got to try out prusiking and actually enjoyed doing so! yay!

linh and zhi yong learnt, and passed their level 0, AND got to try level 1 ropes in one day. thats an achievement. hope they'll remember to keep practicing what they've learnt to make it permanent

not happy with last year's x-campus, so didnt join this year..

daniel and his class got 3rd placing :D

met eugene lim at pasir ris first.. got mixed nuts and peanuts (-_-", i know) before heading to our odac post xp chalet

its so weird. he sleeps at 9 normally on a school night. ook... its not. but 9 is so freaking early!!! lol

it was a typical chalet.. lots of people.. lots of cancer-causing bbq food.. cam whoring.. talking to Jones.. crazy stuff.. too much food at the end of the night.. you know.. typical..


the cheese and honey toast was different though.. and nuggets.. ive never seen nuggets being bbqed before! maybe its just me.

yea, then i was reminded of the aussie bbq we had at sarah and alex's place 2 years back.. the bbqed meat triggered it off.. haha.. i miss KOF, i miss sydney.

the talk with Jones was enriching for them.. i joined in nearing to the end. rod and us, talked about what to expect for june xp etc etc.. probably alot more being said before i came in

i never later at night till what? 4? haha crazy. people totally got wasted, lol

"want a cookie?"

OOhh the watermelon the next day right before we had to check out.. hhahahaa

daniel cut it with a JACK KNIFE. a small little jack knife. wth!

i'll post the pictures up when i get them from rod. the file is too freaking huge to do a trasfer :P


dinner was late, so i waited

took a slow walk. didnt want orange and pineapple.

i'm changed. unexpectedly, so soon..

if i have to explain-

because it felt right.

Tuesday 1 April 2008

"impending sense of doom"

its funny how sean always play the songs that i've just listened to and love recently on his guitar

quite cool actually.. they're all on my playlist! lol

nice to hear them being played inbetween classes

ive been looking through past memories.. those that remain in my head cause its just too significant to forget them..

well, things are quite different right now

we've advanced,

and debased.

maybe its the "impending sense of doom" as huimin puts it

the stress is slowing creeping up to me, and my reactions to certain things might have been affected.

i'm so sorry if i've gotten on anyone's nerves lately

its a process perhaps, that we all would have to go through.. pissing people off long before you realise it.

time to adapt!

and you know what? i kinda like the library.. alot :)

yes i do.