Saturday 29 March 2008

back to blogger/Happy Birthday Shuxian/PTM/biathlon/fun-o-rama

haha, i'm coming back to blogger for awhile..

ive got some trouble posting stuff on diaryland, so i figured this is my second best place to do what i want


first and foremost..


glad you liked your pressie!!!

dont emo cause of.. you know what on you know when (i dont want to directly say it) anyways..

happy being 18!!!!! *cough*old*cough*

lol, KIDDING...

congrads to eugene and daniel for today's biathlon thing, organised by tjc's OAC

met kai li, the girl i met at ADjam last year from vjc's odac
we had a really spontaneous sharing session with her and the vj odac gang!

this is how people make friends, people

haha. i FINALLY got to meet(and remember)darryl.. sorry there, haha.. took me 3 meetings to remember you :P

jie got to talk to the sea cheifs of vj's odac.. to share info about their kayaking experiences so that we can plan a good one soon..but i think we need more practice first!! haha

right before that was PTM..

cant say it was perfect.. i was normal though.. expected responses
ok.. i wont say they're 'shooting' odac..more like......... reminding us about how we should not focus on odac, but on our studies instead. ah yes, thats it.

its no secret that my results for CTs suck and is as good as crap

oh, and thanks for reminding my mum about our cca timings, that totally helped :)

but i can assure you that she'll forget about everything in about a day's time, so the whole session was pretty pointless, since we all already know what we must do to help save ourselves.

this is just random, but that book about the 'gothic' is so freaking RICH IN CONTENT!!! its everything they mentioned in the lectures crammed into 10 pages!!! haha

acjc's fun-o-rama thing today was pretty alright i suppose

could have been better, but things happened

saw lots of people there.. the Jones.. and... lots of other people. hah.

got to know wanping from vj odac there! haha, shu's friend(that's her name right?? oops! haha), and nadia too :)

i was sooooo happy to see shu, peiyi and edlyn

its like everything's back to what it used to be.. kinda..

and huimin!!! why must you choose to be lazy today?!?!!


the haunted house was great with us together

ahhhhh i❤KOF

we got our face painted together!!

sorry, we didnt bring our cameras

here's my butterfly! ---->

now i really want my own camera :(

hey you

its not that bad,

we can work around it :)


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