Thursday 28 August 2008

National day 08 pictures!

oohhh joy! i can't for tomorrow!

i'm going to take a short one-day-break with my dearest

before we all sink back into the ring-shaped wave pool of never ending sorrow.

OH! here are the pictures from our national day outing.. courtesy of dorville :)

(though i dont really have many.. haha.. i've got one of rod's if that counts! LOL)

Friday 22 August 2008


wow, 23 visits to my humble blog yesterday.. Chanel is so popular lol

i love my kof and every single one of us in it. i dont know how i would do without you guys. others around us might change, people come and go, but we know we're for life and beyond :)

speaking of life and BEYOND. LOL, if i go before huimin does, i'll come back to visit her and tell her all about the experiences that death brings. she doesnt mind at all! after all, its a once-in-a-life-time experience, and its definitely worth sharing! dont you agree with us? hahaa

my priorities have not changed. though in the past studies may have taken the back seat for some time, i dont forsee that happening very often anymore.

OOHH but food is so hard to resist sometimes!! lol and i cant help but let it take first place :P


life is a big game with happiness as main goal, no use brooding over the past. so people, lets stop fretting about the big P and make the most of today!! YES. what a great lease of Life today. i had fun disturbing Jerome (haha :P), trying hard to explain my point about JUSTICE to dorville (even though she's the one that really links everything together and making sense of our shaky points). plus i found the notes on mass movements that yan was talking about last night.

did i mention i had amazing bus luck today? lol, everything went so well today.

ok maybe not everything.. there is ONE thing thats wrong.


-_-"" neh neh...

thank goodness for dorville, or our day would have been totally ruined.

oh and its also amazing that my mum is cooking again- and cooking such nice food!

raarrr i'm off to eat. haha, food takes priority now :P:P

Thursday 21 August 2008

My Role Model

Coco Gabrielle Chanel

Tuesday 19 August 2008


Symptoms of depression include:

Loss of interest in normal daily activities
Feeling sad or down
Feeling hopeless
Crying spells for no apparent reason
Problems sleeping
Trouble focusing or concentrating
Difficulty making decisions
Unintentional weight gain or loss
Being easily annoyed
Feeling fatigued or weak
Feeling worthless
Loss of interest in sex
Thoughts of suicide or suicidal behavior
Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches

Depression symptoms can vary greatly because different people experience depression in different ways. A 25-year-old man with depression may not have the same symptoms as a 70-year-old man, for instance. For some people, depression symptoms are so severe that it's obvious something isn't right. Others may feel generally miserable or unhappy without really knowing why.

Do YOU suffer from depression? If you do, seek help immediately.


Wednesday 13 August 2008

you know i'm not talking about you.

radom facts

  1. i dont approve of it
  2. he said yes
  3. trying not to cry makes my left eye puffy
  4. yay i did population today!
  5. i dont care already

Monday 4 August 2008

cuteness beyond measure!

i have nothing i want to say except to go to damien's blog to look at ELMO. omg he's the cutest, no one can measure up to that cute little monster!


and albi the racist dragon too.


total cuteness

and because i'm a total tech retard, you can reach it here!

Friday 1 August 2008

Peace in Pursuit.

YES, i'm selfish

NO, i dont care about it

MY flow, MY views, MY way.

Up till now, its the only way i know how to survive.

You're either With me, or Against me.

this is my general standpoint about my current situation, and does not refer to anyone whatsoever. should there be misunderstandings.
Peace in Pursuit.